More Than Normal

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Who Are You: We are More Than Normal, a DIY Punk Band and the best thing to come out of Dover since cheap beer and fags!!! Our Debut album "Honour Amongst Thieves" is released nationwide through Dent'All Records on July 3rd 2006!!!

Why Should We Come and See You: People should come see us 'coz... err if they don't we'll be playin' to an empty room, check out our album on and make up your own mind. We don't like to tell folkes what to do, but you should go see as many bands as you can, not just us, to support the scene, cos without an audience there is no scene!! But you should come see us cos we do put everything we have into every perfomance (also the more people that turn up, the more friends we can make and get drunk with)!!!

For Fans of / Sounds Like: We're a mix of all kindsa stuff our main influences are old UK punk eg. The Clash, Pistols, UK Subs etc and american stuff like NOFX, Rancid, Blink. but we also got grunge, ska, rock n metal roots mixed in.
Latest News: Currently Touring the UK