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Approximately a fifth of the worldÕs population lives in China (1.3 billion).

China's government seeks to limit population growth. By law, Chinese men may not marry until they are 22 years old, and women until they are 20. People are encouraged to have one or two children. In 1979, the Chinese government applied a rule of one child per family. This policy has been efficient. Nowadays, the population growth rate is 0.6%.

Birth rate: 13.14-birhts/1,000 population

Death rate: 6.94 deaths/ 1,000 population

Also, China is a multinational country. The Hans Chinese is the largest ethnic group, which constitutes 92% of the total population. Other nationalities are: Uygur, Hui, Yi, Tibetan, Miao, Manchu, Mongol, Buyi, Korean, and others that constitute the 8.1% of the population.


The population of China shares the same culture, traditions and written language.  There are seven Chinese dialects and many sub dialects. The major dialect is the Mandarin Chinese spoken by more than 70 percent of the population. The Northern Chinese dialect is the official language of the country, which is taught to Chinese. The majority of the Han Chinese speaks Mandarin, and the rest speak one of the six other major Chinese dialects. The non-Chinese languages, which are spoken by ethic minorities, are Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur and other Turkic languages (in Xinjiang), and Korean (in the Northeast).


China is officially an atheist country. Taoism is an ideological belief in China that continues today. There are other religions like Muslims, Catholics, Buddhist and Protestants.


Life expectancy

The population of China has a life expectancy of 72. 27 years.

Among men, the life expectancy is 70.65, and for women life expectancy is 74.09.


Definition: Age 15 and older than can read and write.

Total population: 90.9%

Male: 95.1%

Female: 86.5%

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