


Under Construction

Hello and Welcome to my new website !!

Daddy is building my website for me because I'm just way too busy these days.
I could do it if I wanted to, but I just don't have time... Yep.

With school, homework, family time, chores, gaming, and so on I'm booked most of the time.

I enjoy Soccer a lot, but I took a break from it over summer. I played in the spring, and also a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I can't wait to get started again !! 
It's my fav sport !!

Daddy said it's not a race to build this website in a hurry, because you should never rush an artist.

I don't know what that means, but it's starting to look pretty cool so far.

I know he's practicing some new skills within this site, so there's no telling what you may see here. -Bryce :-)


Web Site Updates

The following pages now have content:
1) About Me.
2) My Blog.
3) Calendar.
4) Gaming.
5) Media.
6) Social.
7) Hobbies.

Bryce 411

1) It's hard to imagine the end of school is nearing !!
I'm almost finished with 1st Grade, I can't believe it !!
2) My best friend also joined Soccer -and we're on the same team !!

    Updated: 05.26.2014


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