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Chapter Thirty-One: Ace of Hearts:

Today was the last day of summer. Rob and other students would go back to school tomorrow. Perfect time for a sexy last hurrah. Rob and Noiz loved that idea very much. The whole day had been a date. It all started out simple enough. Noiz invited Rob out to breakfast with her. He took her on a ride on his motorbike. They went out to the park. Rob had a little plan for the day.

“Are you sure you know where we are going?” Noiz asked as they rode out of the city. The mouse grinned to himself proudly.

“You’ll see, Noiz-sama,” he said to her. “You’ll see.” The kitty smiled to herself proudly. “Oh, I see,” she thought. “A surprise.” Noiz liked the sound of that one. The hot pair rode out into the country. Rob parked his Gunsnipe in the parking lot. He helped his sexy cat off like a gentleman.

“Come with me,” he told her. Noiz smiled at him sweetly.

“Why gladly,” she replied. The cat followed the mouse along the dirt trail. He took her by the hand. Pretty soon, Noiz got tired of walking.

“Are we there yet, Robbie-kun?” she asked. “How much further?” Rob smiled at her sweetly.

“Not much longer,” he replied. Noiz whimpered at that one. The mouse chuckled at her some.

“Here,” he said. “I’ll carry you on my back.” His kitty looked at him overjoyed.

“Really?” she asked. The mouse nodded at her smiling.

“Here,” he said getting into a position for a piggyback. Noiz lightly climbed onto his back. Rob held her and carried her along the path. Noiz smiled to herself happily. She cuddled up closed to her love. The kitty gave him a little lick to the back of his neck. Rob trembled as his face went bright red. He had to force himself to keep going.

They came all the way to an open field. Noiz looked around amazed. Such simple beauty invaded this place. The flowers in full bloom seemed to send summer off in a beautiful way. A warm playful breeze sent their perfume into the air. Rob turned to his girl smiling.

“Like it?” he asked her. “I found it by accident one day.” Noiz nodded at him happily.

“Wow!” was all she could say. “I love it!” Rob kissed her on the tip of her nose. Noiz giggled a bit. Rob just loved hearing her laugh. He suddenly wanted to heat her cry out. He knew exactly how to do that.

The mouse kissed his pet on the lips. Noiz instantly became excited. She kissed him back right away. Rob lightly pushed her to the ground. The kitty looked up at him happily smile came to her face.

“Oh,” she said. “A nice send off to summer, I see?” Rob smiled at her wickedly. She gave her boyfriend a little shrug.

“I just knew,” the kitty replied. Rob knelt down and kissed her again. Noiz kissed him back. Once again, the heat storm started up for the last day of summer.

Rob grabbed Noiz’s obi and pulled it free. Her light white kimono fell open right away. The kitty looked up at him sweetly as she spread her legs for him. Rob smiled at her wickedly.

“I will, my love!” he said aloud to her. The mouse quickly slid off her white lacy panties. Rob quickly undid his jean shorts. Noiz watched on happily. She felt herself getting right away. Rob smirked at her wickedly. He just loved the way she reacted to him. It was just so… arousing! Rob felt himself getting hard right away. The mouse got back to work almost immediately. He slid off his shorts and did the same with his boxers. Noiz watched and waited panting. Rob smirked at her wickedly.

“Hang on,” he told her. “It’s coming.” Rob slid himself right into her. Both moaned aloud. The mouse began pulling in and out of his goddess right away. He started off slow as usual. Noiz moaned out loud happily. She shut her eyes in deep bliss.

“HARDER!!!” the kitty screamed out. “HARDER!!! HARDER!!!” Rob sped up without thinking. Both cried out happily. Noiz let herself get lost in deep bliss. The last bit of summer danced all around them. The flowers seemed to sing out to them. The drowsy heat everywhere seemed to smother them. Rob sped up even more because of it. Noiz just held onto him tightly. Neither one wanted summer to end. But yet, it just had to be that way. Oh well, they would still have time to be all hot and romantic all year long.

Rob came wildly within his lover.

“NOIZ-SAMA!!!” he yelled out loud. Noiz just moaned along with him. The mouse didn’t pull out until he finished coming. Once he was done, Rob got dressed and sat up again. He looked over at his lover again.

Rob came wildly within his lover.

“You alright?” he asked her. Noiz still couldn’t speak at all. She just nodded at him quickly. Rob smiled at her warmly. He redressed her and put her right on his back again. He carried her all the way back to his motorbike. Summer had just now ended for the lovers.