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Act V

Confessions        Him or Me        Come Clean

Section I: Confessions

(At the fruit stand in the festival. Here is the moment of truth. Elina stands strong and tall. She knows it was now or never. Richard waits for her answer.)

Elina: Richard!

Richard: Well?

Elina: I am in love with Simon!

[Everyone crowds around them at that statement.]

Richard: WHAT?!?

Elina: I love Simon!

Richard: Why? I have provided for you. He's just a kid!

Elina: I know that!

Richard: But why a kid?

[Elina innocently shrugs]

Richard: Oh no, that little trick isn't going to work on me this time, missy!

[Elina tries not to laugh. She looks past her husband and sees Maddie standing behind Richard.]

Elina: I see she has told you the truth.

[Richard looks behind him to see Maddie smiling sweetly at them.]

Richard: Yeah! She was nice enough to open my eyes to the truth! I'm ashamed of you. All of this time I thought you would be faithful to me! You disgust me!

[That was it! Elina finally burst into hysterical laughter. Simon just stood by and kept watching.]

Simon: *And she married this guy, why?*

[Sweat drop on Simon's head. Richard became more annoyed than ever]

Richard: [Grabs Elina violently] What the hell are you laughing for?!? ANSWER ME!!!!

[Elina just keeps laughing]

[Maddie is starting to get annoyed herself]

Maddie: *Something has changed in her. I didn't expect this*

[Elina finally calms down and looks up.]

Elina: You, ashamed of me? [Looks behind him again.] You're going to believe a whore who only wants other women's husbands and gossips about people behind their back? It's I who should be ashamed of you! Come to think of it, I never really had a marriage!

End of Sect. I

Section II: Him or Me

[Richard stares hard at Elina.]

Richard: What the bloody devil do you mean?

Elina: I mean, I was never a wife to you. Only on paper I was. But that's all was it. You see Richard, all I have been to you these past five years is a child. You would more like a father than a husband. At first, I thought it was okay. But at a few weeks here, I realize that I need to grow up and move on. Simon can help me do that.

Richard: What will you do for money?

[Elina straightens up]

Elina: I will get my writing published.

Richard: But it always gets turned down.

Elina: I'll just have to keep trying.

[Richard shakes his head in annoyance]

Richard: This is all getting ridiculous! Elina, you have two choices to make! [Points to Simon] It's either me or him! Make up your mind now!

[Elina looks at Simon, that at Richard, and back at Simon again. Elina smiles like a mischievous high school girl.]

Elina: Him.

Richard: [Truly shocked] WHAT?!?

Elina: H-I-M. Him! Do you understand, baby boy?

[Richard tries not to lose it. Maddie rushes forward and grabs Richard by the arm tightly.]

Maddie: Baby, calm down!

[Elina catches this in a heartbeat]

Elina: Richard! What the hell is this?!?

[Maddie turns to Elina and smiles.]

Maddie: Why should it matter to you? Richard and I have shagged in the woods yesterday!

End of Sect. II

Section III: Come Clean:

[Elina tries not to look shocked at first. But them laughs.]

Elina: Well! It looks like both of us were unfaithful! I want a divorce today!

[The crowd gasps in shock]

[Elina looks around frowning]

Elina: Why are all of you so shocked?!? You all aren't so pure either. All of your adultery, scandal, and lies! The only thing you do about it is gossip about it! I've put up with it long enough! I am sick of all of the trash you all talk about! Don't you all have anything better to do? Oh, it's okay for a lonely housewife to have an affair with a young thing! Nobody criticizes that! They just talk and snicker about it! But when it's a divorce, oh no, it's unholy! We must shun them away immediately! [Shakes her head in disgust] Simon and his grandfather are the decent people in this village! You all make me sick.

[Ironically, the village applauses! Simon comes up beside Elina and holds her tight. Elina turns to her new man.]

Elina: Come on, love. We're leaving.

[Simon just nods. The couple begins to leave. Richard stops Elina by clutching her small shoulder. Elina pauses and turns.]

Elina: Yes?

Richard: [Whispers with gritted teeth] Consider your divorce served!

[Elina smiles]

Elina: Thank you!

[Elina and Simon walk away freely. Richard just watches them leave.]


Elina and Simon became the heroes of the village. They married after Simon graduated from London University. They lived together in the countryside and have three children. Richard and Maddie moved to London and wedded there. And the villagers still gossip to this day.

End of Sect. III

End of Act V