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Chapter Thirty-One: Adult Circus:

Saturday Night.

“Can I look now?” Mosh asked as he lied back on their bed with his eyes closed.

“Not yet,” Noiz said. “Just a little bit longer.” The mouse sighed.

“Alright,” he said.

“It’ll be worth.”


“Your trust me, right?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Good, no peeking.”

Mosh breathed in and waited for a little bit longer. He tried to sneak in a tiny peek.

“I said no peeking!” his wife said.

“Okay, okay!” Mosh said. “I won’t peek.” A few more seconds went on by.

“You can look now!” Noiz told him. Mosh opened his eyes. His wife stood before him dressed in a schoolgirl uniform. His lips curved into a smile.

“Hello there,” he said. Noiz giggled.

“You like?” she asked. The mouse nodded.

“Yes I do!” he said. The kitty gave him a little smile.

“There’s more,” she said. Mosh blinked at her.

“What?” he asked. Noiz held up a finger as she walked back to a gold stripper pole built in the center of the room. The mouse stared at it lost at first.

“When did we get this?” he asked.

“Last week,” his wife replied.

“Last week?” he asked.

“That’s right,” she said. Mosh nodded.

“Oh!” he said. “That’s why we weren’t in here the whole day!”

“Yeah,” Noiz replied. “Now, just enjoy the show.” She backed up to the mighty pole as Mosh watched on intently. The kitty began to slide down the pole like seasoned stripper. She slowly rose up and circled the pole. Her husband licked his lips at her. Noiz smiled and slowly unbuttoned her white blouse. The flirty white landed on the floor.

“I love this!” Mosh said. Noiz blew him a little kiss before circling the pole again. Mosh tried to get up and touch her.

“Uh-uh,” his wife said. “Stay still and watch.” The mouse paused and reluctantly sat back on the bed. His wife smiled at him.

“Good boy,” she said. The kitty pulled at the sash of her skirt and slid it off. She kicked it away near her blouse. Mosh swallowed hard in delight. The heat in his body spread down to his member, waking it up for the show as well. Noiz took in the affect she had on him. She blew him another kiss.

The kitty’s tail swished as she brushed up against the pole again. I might be able to just do the basic stuff for now, she thought. But he doesn’t seem to notice. Maybe it’s time to do more.

Noiz turned her back to her husband and glanced over her shoulder. Mosh still had big eyes and a hungry member. She placed her hands to her black bra.

“You want me to take this off, don’t you?” she asked.

“Yes!” Mosh wailed.

“How badly?”

“I’ll go crazy if you don’t!”

Noiz giggled to herself. “Show me.”


“Take a little something off for me.”


“Your choice.”

A heat rush flooded the mouse’s body. Wow, he thought. She really showed her control tonight. He had no choice but to play along. As if on instinct, Mosh rolled off his shirt and threw it to the ground. Noiz smiled at him.

“Wise choice,” she said. Then, the cat unhooked her bra and threw it to the floor. She turned to her husband, now topless. A little bit of blood escaped from Mosh’s nose.

“Wow!” he mouthed. His wife giggled. She circled the pole once more in a sexy way. Her hands strayed down to her matching panties. Her fingers played with the lace trim. Mosh stared on with hungry eyes. Noiz’s eyes met his.

“You want me to take these off, do you?” she asked.

“Yes!” Mosh cried. There came a moment of silence. The kitty giggled.

“Well okay,” she said. “As you wish.” Noiz let her panties fall straight to the floor. She kicked them off to the side. Mosh’s face was now a bright tomato red. Oh, but his wife wasn’t done yet!

Noiz crawled onto the bed with him and neatly placed her hands on his legs. Mosh trembled as she slowly spread them apart.

“W-What are you doing?” he whimpered.

“Shhh,” Noiz said. She reached down to his jeans. Her hands quickly unbuckled the belt and unzipped the trousers. She took them off of him in one yank. His boxers followed behind. Noiz gave him a lusty little smile as she took his member into her mouth. He moaned at the feeling alone. The kitty smiled as she slowly started to suck him off.

Her husband cried out in pleasure. “Oh yeah! Oh!”

He pushed her head closer to his lap. The sudden pressure driven her to suck faster as he laced his fingers in her hair. Her tongue broke down to licking along the sensitive skin.

He keeps tasting better and better each day, she thought happily. She sucked faster when she felt herself getting wet between the legs. Mosh folded his legs around her in a light, but fitting way. Noiz moaned in her throat as she went as fast as she could.

The mouse came in a hot blast in her mouth. Noiz slowly let go and swallowed up her prize. When she was done, she crawled up next to her husband.

“So, how was it?” she asked.

“Thanks for the show,” Mosh said as he drifted off to sleep. Noiz smiled to herself.

“Knew you would,” she whispered. The wife just slept next to her husband just like that.