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Baby Come Back

Hours later, Kurai awoke in a room of pink. Her eyes shifted from side to side in a dozy way.

Hm…, she thought. Where… am… She found herself lying out on a bed of fluffy pink. Her brain tried to piece together the current situation. She lifted her head and looked around.

“What the…?!?” Kurai asked. The demon looked up to see pelxi glass in front of her.

“Hey!” she shouted. “What is this?” Her eyes looked on at an angel in a white coat. She smiled and waved at her.

“Oh good!” the angel said. “You’re awake now!” Kurai glared at her.

“What the hell is this?!?” she snapped. “Let me out of here!”

“Please calm down, miss,” the woman said. “You’ll run down your strength again.” Kurai paused took a breath. The woman smiled at her.

“Now,” she said. “You’re in the infirmary, dear.” Kurai blinked at her.

“Huh?” she asked. The angel giggled.

“You collapsed earlier, honey,” she said. “So they brought you here to rest.” Kurai still looked lost.

“Okay… And who are you?”

The nurse grinned. “I’m Chiho, Heaven’s nurse.”

Kurai drew her mouth closed as she stared at Chiho’s ample breasts. Her red low-cut dress didn’t help much either. The demon glanced at her own chest. Hers had some size to them too, but still…

“Where’s Akitada-kun?” she asked.

“In class,” the big-jugged nurse said. “Where he’s supposed to be at this time.” Kurai drew her mouth closed for a moment. The kitty tapped the glass.

“Uh…” she said. “When can I leave?”

“In hour or so,”  the nurse said as she filled out a little paperwork at her desk. Kurai’s eyes shot wide.

“An hour or so?” she asked. She sat on the bed, pouting.

“Well that sucks,” the kitty mumbled. She looked up at the clock. Only noon, huh? The demon cat groaned. Her stomach rumbled after her.

“When do I eat?” she complained.

“After you’re cleared!” Chiho said aloud. Kurai lied back and groaned again.

By one o’clock, Chiho released the demon kitty from the healing box. Kurai only glared at her.

“You owe me lunch,” she hissed. The busty nurse grinned at her.

“There’s a cafeteria in the Jupiter Building down the path here,” she said. Kurai just walked off without a single thanks.

“You’re welcome!” Chiho called after her. The door slid shut.

All angels stared at Kurai as she walked by. She tried to ignore them for the first ten seconds. Then, the whispers kicked in. Kurai gritted her teeth with each step. The whispering got worse. The demon kitty breathed hard.

“Why is she here?”

“I heard that she’s in love with an angel.”




“Why him?”

“Look at him!”

“Well yeah, but she’s a demon!”

“I know.”

“Ooo, this is bad.”


Kurai glared at the talking freshman. The three angel girls went quiet.

“What?!?” the demon kitty hissed. The girls took running. Kurai snorted to herself.

Bitches, she thought. All of them! Skinny bitches! She continued her walk to the cafeteria. All eyes stayed on her the whole time. Kurai cleared her throat. So annoying.

At last, she made it to the Jupiter Building. The eyes still stayed on her. Her patience started to burn. Can’t rant; she would pass out again. No sign of Akitada either. Kurai sighed.

This is crap!, she thought. He stomach grumbled again.

“Shut up, I know!” she muttered to herself. The demon took in a breath.

Right, she thought. Kurai headed to the line. Still, they all stared at her. Some even looked scared of her. Kurai clenched her fists.

Fuck this shit, she thought. She turned to the crowd.

“Why do you keep looking at me?!?” she snapped. “I just want lunch, okay?!? Leave me alone, damn it!” Everyone quickly turned away. Kurai snorted. She turned back to the workers. They trembled at the sight of her. Kurai forced herself to smile.

“What’s the special for today, folks?” she asked. The cook gave her a nervous smile.

“Crab ramen!” he yelped. “O-O-On the house!” Kurai grinned at the man.

“Sweet!” she said. “I’ll take that!” The cook nodded.

“Okay…” he said. “One moment.” Kurai stood back with a little smile. However, she glared behind her when she felt them staring at her. The other angels pretended to go back to what they were doing. The kitty rolled her eyes.

Idiots, she thought. So annoying! The rest of lunch wasn’t any better. They still stared at her. Kurai glared at them all.

“What?” she asked. The angels said nothing. She lowered her chopsticks.

“Don’t lie to me!” the demon kitty hissed. “What do you keep staring at me for?!?” No one spoke at first. Kurai's eyes scanned the crowd.

“Come on,” she said. “Out with it! Spit it out!” Still no one spoke. Kurai snorted and frowned. Suddenly, the ramen didn’t taste so good.

“This is bullshit!” the demon kitty muttered. She got up and left the cafeteria.

Hours later, Akitada noticed all of the whispered around him. His suspicion grew when he couldn’t find Kurai. He headed to the main office as a result. The angel mouse knocked on the door.

“Enter!” Gabriel commanded. The mouse walked inside. The main angel looked up and noticed him.

“Oh Akitada-kun,” he said. “What’s on your mind?” The angel mouse closed the door behind him.

“Have you seen Kurai-chan anywhere?” he asked. The other angel paused.

“No,” he said. “Why? What  did she do now?”

“I can’t find her,” Akitada said. The main angel fidgeted for a brief second.

“Uh… yeah, about that,” Gabriel muttered. The mouse angel raised an eyebrow at him.

“What?” he asked. “Did something happen?”

“Well…” the older angel said. “She’s gone.” Akitada blinked at him.

“What do you mean?” he asked. “Why is she gone?” Gabriel looked away a bit.

“It’s in your best interest to forget about her,” he muttered.

“Why is she gone?” the mouse asked again. Gabriel opened his mouth to speak, but the younger angel already knew.

“They drove her out, didn’t they?” he asked. The man angel shrugged at him.

“Not in the way you are thinking,” he said. “But it is not natural for a demon to be Heaven in with angels.” Akitada turned and stormed out of the office.

“Akitada-kun!” Gabriel yelled. “Where are you going?”

“To get her back!” the mouse yelled.

“But she’ll only ruin you in the end!” Gabriel yelled after him. “Just let her go and come back! Forget about her!” Akitada froze at those words.

“I can’t,” he replied.

“Why?” the main angel asked. The mouse didn’t answer as he let the door slide shut behind him.

Baby Please Don’t Go