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Chapter Five: Bad Kitty in Love:

I’ve many men. Some I like. There’s only one I really love.

I stood over Mosh as he slept in the futon he shared with Noiz. I smiled and jumped next to him.

“Hey baby,” I whispered. That mouse boy slowly opened his eyes. I smiled at him.

“Morning,” I whispered. Mosh blinked at first.

“BN?” he asked. I snickered as I climbed on top of him. I kissed him on the lips. Mosh kissed me back. My mouth moved down to his neck in a slow manner. My favorite toy moaned.

“Are you sure this okay?” she asked. I looked up at him.

“Of course,” I said.

“But…” he said. I gently put my finger to his lips.

“It’s okay,” I whispered. I moved down to his chest. I missed his taste. When was the last time I blew him? Days? Weeks? I can’t keep track. All I know is that I need it now.

I took my craved price into my mouth. His moans filled my ears. Yes! Make more noise. I started off slow. I love this game so. I never tire of it. I glanced up at him. Mosh’s cheeks turned bright red. His breathing grew heavier. The sexy mouse even bragged the sheets under him. I took it as my cue to speed up. My tongue came out to play.

Noiz doesn’t mind it. I am part of her after all. We’ve slept with him- Noiz, Good Noiz, and me. He’s just that addictive. The hot blast of cum brought me back to reality. Mosh screamed out before lying there, panting. I swallowed the goods before lying next to him. I broke into a little smile.

“Good?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Mosh said, nodding. I playfully tapped him on the nose. This is not the only private encounter with my favorite toy. I have more. I always have more.