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Blossom Holiday

*Mike waits in the hall, smiling*

*The moans filled the hallway*

*He smirked to himself*

*He counts down to the climax*

*Siren screams out with bliss*

Mike: And it's done.

*He walks away to the lobby*


-In the lobby-

*Siren walks out into the lobby, looking fresh and satisfied*

*She looks around for her "handler" before someone whistles at her*

*She turns her head*

*Mike lowers his newspaper grinning*

Mike: Yo.

*Siren frowns at him*

Siren: Were you listening in?

Mike: Maybe.

*She clicks her tongue*

Siren: Pervert.

Mike: Is it done?

Siren: Yes.

*He stands up as he holds out his hand*

Mike: Welcome to the team.

*She rolls her eyes*

Siren: Whatever.


-Present Day-

*Mike turns to Siren at the bar*

Mike: Ready to go?

*Siren finishes her *

Siren: Yeah.

*He holds out his hand*

*She takes it and they walk out*