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Business as Usual:

And sure enough, Rose’s co-workers were all waiting for a story about Rose’s steamy night. They even had some wild guesses about what she got up to last night.

“You think she went through with it?” Duncan asked the crew.

“We’ll have to see,” Vanessa replied. A long pause came over all of them. Adam whipped out his black chain wallet and pulled out some money.

“Fifty bucks says Rosie made it to second base!” he announced.

“I say it was a home run!” Vanessa threw in.

“My money’s on third base!” Greg added.

“That is so tacky!” Amanda yelled out. They all looked up at her. The journalist was eyeing them in utter disgust.

“I can’t believe all of you!” she went on. “You all should be ashamed of yourselves for even suggesting this trashy one-night stand and betting on it!”

“Whatever!” Robyn yelled to her. They had all learned to ignore anything Amanda tried to chastise them for. It was just second nature to them.

They all looked up when the door opened wide. Their star girl walked right into the office. They all stood up and gathered around her like she was royalty Rose looked at all of her friends. They were all an interesting bunch. Duncan Sawyer was a gothic metrosexual boy. The boy was clothing horse of the group. He dressed perfectly for the occasion. The man was every girl’s best friend in love and fashion. His nails were always clean and painted black with some little design on them. The man’s hair was neatly cut and done. He had two piercings under his lower lip. Duncan’s clothes were always neat and fresh. Black, red, or jeans were always his attire. The stylish black-rimmed glasses completed his style. He was the first person outside of the family that Rose ever met in Miami. They had been friends since middle school. The pair even got the job working in Beach Radio Magazine together. Duncan had helped her through so much. He still helps her to this very day.

Vanessa Reed was the gossip hound of the gang. She *loved* to talk! Her hair was long and wavy blonde. She dressed brightly and a little flashy. Today, she had on a white and silver halter with pink short shorts. Her nails were a shiny light blue color. Her eyelashes were heavy with black mascara. Vanessa could pass as a fashion model. This woman was Rose’s personal cheerleader. She tried to push her to live out her dreams. Vanessa was a wild firecracker to Rose’s otherwise quiet life. She was very close to Rose like a loyal fan. The two met on Rose’s first day working at Beach Radio Magazine. Vanessa had a good eye for fresh talent and rising stars and she had spotted out good old Rose. Thus, the woman pushing her new skilled friend up into the good graces of Katherine Delaney. (A skill that was very hard to do.) Vanessa could be a bit pushy at times with what she wants, but she meant well. That is why Rose loved being around her so much. Sure, Vanessa was a bit of a headache at times, but it’s good to have someone like her on one’s team.

Adam Fisher was somewhat dorky. He hair was short and bright red. He was complete movie buff. Any question on a movie, he had the answer right away. Adam even quoted movies from time to time. The man’s style was pretty laid-back. Jeans, plaid shirts, sneakers, and white undershirts. He was just weird like that at times. But, he was a good old pal. Adam also had Rose’s back many times. The man stood up for her many times. They met six months after she started working for Beach Radio Magazine. Duncan, Rose, and Vanessa were all happy to see another guy working for the magazine. (“There are too many girls here!” Vanessa told him on his first day. “We are all sick of girls! It’s nice to get a guy here for a change!”) He was such a sweetie, that the girls almost wondered why he was still single. Almost. (More into that later.)

Noriko Sun was the baby of the group. The others protected her like a little sister. Her style was Gothic lolita. She always dressed and looked like a little girl. The woman had too much energy and worn the group down too often. Noriko was a pretty naive little soul. But her friends all still loved her. She was like a little sister to them. Rose saw an angel in this little girl. However, Noriko did have her moments of insanity. The girl was like a loose cannon at those moments. Thus, Rose and them keeping a close watch on her all times. She came to Miami last year. To everyone’s surprise, she knew English pretty good. However, Noriko was a bit child like and needed some guidance.

Greg Brown was another nerd. He was just insane. The man had a crazy style to him. He had more crazy hair styles and wore more Hawaiian shirts with surf shorts. Sandals completed his looks too well. Today, his hair was messy with a bright red and white Hawaiian shirt with faded light blue shorts and cork sandals. Greg was a mix of many times. He was interested in heavy metal, porn, and mob films. The man was like a brother to Rose. Greg was a California boy at heart. The crew all teased him for his nerdy ways. Greg was also optimistic to a fault. The others wanted to smack him at times. He acted pretty goofy at times. The man came a year after Rose, Duncan, and Adam started working at Beach Radio Magazine. Again, Vanessa, Rose, and Duncan were happy to have another guy working with them. Greg was always seen with Robyn. They too also supported Rose.

Speaking of Robyn, she was highly close to Rose as well. Robyn Bates hailed all the way from Canada. She had great pride for her native country. Her style was classy yet wild. Her outfit today consisted of a short tight red plaid skirt with a red halter top and high-heeled black boots. Robyn was a pure man-eater. She was into rough sex and wild bedroom rides. The woman was always bar, bed, and club-hopping every night. Robyn also smoked like a chimney. She and Vanessa were always plotting to push Rose straight to her dreams and things that she desired. Robyn came to work for Beach Radio Magazine a week after Greg got the job. She and Vanessa hated each other at first because both wanted to be resident bad girl of the magazine. But over time, they became the best of friends. Robyn was ten times worse than Vanessa at times. But, she meant well with the others. It was also good to her have on one’s side as well.

Sakura Ono was another hyper-active Asian woman. She came all the way from Japan. The tech-junkie was laid-back in her style. Jeans with chains on them, sports jerseys, brightly colored ribbons in her long black silk hair, and sandals or sneakers. She always hung out at the best dance clubs and parties. But yet, Sakura was strongly straight edge. She also had Rose’s back. Sakura came to work for Beach Radio Magazine three years ago. The girl fit in perfectly well. She helped the magazine really take off in Miami. Even though crazy, Sakura was a valuable asset to Beach Radio Magazine. But what did she care? The woman was just there to have fun. Rose was the real star here.

And finally, there was Amanda Bryant scowling at her. She was a total snob here. The woman used to be free-spirited and dress pretty causal. But ever since she lost her boyfriend to an up-tight snob, Mandy became an up-tight snob as well. She started wearing dress suits and looking down upon her co-workers. The crew used to like her, but now they find her completely annoying. Amanda used to be the star journalist of BRM. But ever since Rose came along and showed off her bright talent, everyone leaned in favor of Rose and Amanda became yesterday’s news. Thus, Mandy being completely jealous of Rosie and looking down upon her.

Rose came over to her co-workers and looked at all of them.

“Uhh…” she said. “Hi there….” They all crowded around her tightly.

“So tell us!” Vanessa said aloud. “How was it last night?” Rose pretended to be lost and confused.

“What about last night?” she asked. Her friends looked disappointed.

“Oh!” Rose called out. “Last night!”

“So did you do it?” Robyn asked. Rose smiled at all of them sweetly. They all went wild in great joy. Amanda rolled her eyes disgusted.

“She did it!” Sakura yelled out happily.

“I knew she would!” Vanessa added. Rose just wanted to disappear into the floor at that moment. Sure she loved her friends, but they just drove her insane at times. Rose noticed Amanda rolling her eyes at her and became worried. “Oh great!” she thought uneasily. “Now Mandy has another reason to hate me!

“So who was the man?” Duncan asked her. Rose quickly came back to Earth.

“Hm?” she asked. Her best friend was really close into her face.

“Who did you sleep with last night?” he asked again. Rose braced herself for her lie. She shrugged at her co-workers innocently.

“Sorry guys,” she said. “I was so drunk that I didn’t get his name.”

“Awww!!!” they all called out crushed.

“Sorry!” Rose replied.

“Well at least tell us what it was like!” Noriko pleaded. They all waited to hear all of that. Rose just shrugged again.

“Sorry,” she said. “I was too drunk for that too.”

“Awww!!!” her friends called out again in disappointment. Amanda just smirked at her.

“I bet you didn’t even do it!” she remarked. The other journalist shrugged again.

“Believe what you like Mandy,” she said. “But that’s what happened last night.” Amanda just glared at her coldly. She didn’t have anything to argue back. Rose smiled to herself on the inside her head. She wished when Amanda tried to argue with her. Good ol’ Rosie when just sat back gracefully and let her make a fool of herself. (“Just take the fun out of the argument,” she would say. “Just ends the conflict then and there.”)

“Hey!” a voice called out to them. “This isn’t social hour! Get back to work.” The crew looked up to see their boss, Katherine Delany glaring at them. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest. She was a divorced woman in her early forties. Her style was up-tight and conservative. She always had on dark navy power dress suits with pearls. Her reddish brown hair was long and loose. Katherine always seemed to be like a strict mother to the group. Duncan had a *HUGE* love for her that no one knew and Vanessa wanted to “bring her down some.”

“Well just don’t stand there!” Katherine barked. “GET BACK TO WORK!!!” They “children” all scattered back to their work. Katherine walked back her office. Rose walked back to her deck smiling. “There,” she thought. “Problem solved!” Keep dreaming sister!

Rose was typing the latest article to next month’s magazine when she received an IM. “Look up!” the message said. The journalist looked at the username. FOBrockergirl69 was the name. This was Vanessa talking to her. Rose sighed as she rolled her eyes. She figured out what this was all about. “I knew that my story wasn’t going to be enough for her!” she thought. So, Rosie did as the message said. And sure enough, Vanessa was standing over her cubicle smiling at her. Rose just rolled her eyes again.

“I told you already,” the woman said her. “I don’t remember what happened or who the guy was!” Vanessa just smiled at her as she shook her head.

“I don’t believe you,” she said. Rose tried to play along with her game.

“And why not?” Rosie asked.

“Cause,” Vanessa replied. “I know the truth when I hear it. I have a strong truth radar, you know!” Rose just blew up her dark black bangs in boredom. “More like a gossip and trouble radar!” she thought.

“So?” Rose asked out loud.

“You were lying!” Vanessa exclaimed. “I can tell it was a good time last night! So come on spill it! Who was the lucky guy?” Rose was really nervous now. She didn’t have any other lies to place before her friend. Vanessa was relentless when it came to getting all of the details. She wouldn’t leave until she got every single little place of information. Rose sighed in defeat.

“Fine!” she said. “You caught me!” Vanessa kept smiling at her.

“That’s a good start,” she said. “Now go on! Give me more!” Rose breathed heavily.

“I was too drunk to remember last night,” she admitted. “But I did it again with him in the shower this morning.” Vanessa’s eyes lit up in great delight.

“Ooooo!!!” she said. “With who though?” Rose began to really blush. She looked down and pointed to her desktop wallpaper. Vanessa looked at her screen. Pete Wentz was on her computer wallpaper. Her friend looked at her surprised.

“Get out!” she gasped. “Are you serious? You *actually* slept with Pete Wentz?!?” Her friend nodded at her. A long silence passed over both women. Rose was really worried that Vanessa wouldn’t believe her at all and call her a liar. “Oh why did I have to fall so easily!” she thought. But instead, Vanessa was really excited now. Her light blue eyes lit up and a huge smile came across her nice face. Rose was really worried now. Vanessa being excited would cause more harm than good to the situation. Her friend thought about stopping the woman, but what good would that do? Once the gossip hound was started, there was no stopping her at all! Rose knew that she was in for drowning in more attention now. All she could do now was to sit back and drown.

“Oh wow!” Vanessa called out happily. “You lucky bitch! This is so great!” Then the woman turned to the other cubicle.

“Hey everybody!” she yelled out. “Rosie slept with Pete Wentz twice last night!!!” Within seconds, all of Rose’s friends were all crowded around her close trying to get the full scoop. Poor Rose was really stuck now. But that was only the beginning!