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There was a man in his thirties. He lived with his wife and two kids. They lived in a nice neighborhood in the Midwest. The man had a nice job in the office. His wife was a housewife. She took care of the home with the cooking and cleaning. All smiles. Even on the bad days.

“Have good day, honey,” she told her husband.

“I love you,” he says. He heads off to work. The kids, eight-year-old Janey and six-year-old Bobby are shuffled off to school. They always look nice and ready to learn for another day. After breakfast, they head off for the bus.

“Bye, mom,” Janey says.

“I love you, sweetie!” the mom says. Out the door the kids go. Everyone begins their day.

Dad works in the office. He types on his computer while smiling away. Even on boring and stressful days, he still smiles. Dad gets along well with his coworkers. Some don’t like him but that’s okay. As long as the boss is happy, everything is fine.

Mom keeps the house in order. Cleaning is every Wednesday. Grocery shopping is every Monday. She does have friends. They keep in contact on the phone. Sometimes, they meet up to play cards on Saturday. Mom does get bored sometimes, but she manages. As long as the family is happy, everything is fine.

Janey and Bobby head off to school. They take the bus and talk with their friends. At school, the teachers are firm but fair. Janey and Bobby answer the questions and turn in their homework on time. Sometimes, they will ask questions when they don’t understand. Lunches are always home made. The children try to get along with their classmates. Sometimes, it doesn’t work. As long as the teachers are happy, everything is fine.

Dad, Janey, and Bobby all come home after a long day from school and work. Dinner is ready and waiting. They sit around and chatter while eating. It’s just the same old stories, conversations, and answers really. After dinner, mom and the kids clean up. They all go about evening activities of homework and watching TV. Everyone gets ready for bed and goes to sleep. As long as the next day is better, everything is fine.

Little Boxes on the Hillside