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Chikira Tokaji

    Chikira Tokaji was a sweet soul. Cookies and sweet bean cakes would envy her. She was like a child in a teenage girl’s body. Her mother and father spoiled her to the core. She wouldn’t even hurt the smallest spider. Ah yes, Chikira was a normal sweet girl. Well, almost normal. You see she had a defect. That little defect was her metal disorder, yume-no-muso. It was a cross between Narcolepsy and Petit Mal seizure. Little Chikira would just go out in a daze randomly and wouldn’t come back to earth for hours at a time. Her eyes when even go blank She is aware of her condition. The girl discovered this on a plane home from her monthly visit with her dad. At first, this was no real problem. So, Chikira kept it to herself in fear of worrying her mom and dad. But in time, the mental disorder grew worse and worse. Chikira would miss her bus or subway, not get home for hours, or be late. She has to take a spray mist to help her focus. But don’t cry for little Chikira, there is an up side to her disease. She has a powerful photographic memory. She can describe any object she saw years ago perfectly!

Jun-Jun and Brooke's Clash tribute