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China House

    I began trip up the cold grey stairs in the dark hallway. It was Christmas night. The snow was coming down hard and fast. It might end being a blizzard. All the more to stay at Club 75's wild randy Christmas Party until five in the morning, right? Not for me. I am alone this Christmas. My parents went to Hawaii for the holiday. My sister, Jessie, lives in Australia. All of my school buddies went home for their winter break. I couldn't stand being alone much longer. But I didn't know what particularly I could do. So I looked through my roommate's address book to find someone to talk to and by chance spend the rest of this dull Christmas with. So far, I didn't have any luck of finding anybody. Then, I saw the address to the infamously risqué Club 75. I heard that they were having their annual Christmas party tonight. I sat back in my roommate's computer chair and thought about it for a while. I'm not much of a party person. In fact, I am completely shy. My ex-girlfriend managed to drag my into the photo club to get me to meet new people. But I didn't get too far. She eventually gave up on me and left all together. Club 75 was known for its habit-forming drug parties, heavy duty drinking, and wild randy one-night escapades. Did I really want to risk all of that just to kill some boredom? Well, a wild party was better than spending the rest of Christmas staring at the plain white walls of my dorm. So, that's why I'm here.

    Unfortunately, I am more alone here than I first walked in the door. The place was packed. All kinds of crazy punks were here. I felt like the meat in a foot long sub sandwich. I felt claustrophobic. It was hard to breathe. I could even some the shampoo in a girl's hair as she danced up against my body. I felt my skin crawl as she sweaty body brushed up against mine. I had to get away and sit down somewhere before I passed out from lack of air. I had to fight my way through the crowd in order to find somewhere to sit. Most of the tables were pack full. Everywhere I looked, people were either snorting something, drinking, or making out with each other. (They were doing even more, but my face becomes red every time I think about it.) I finally found an empty table near the opal window and sat down to catch my breath. Boy, this was too much for me. I felt like an old man here. My classmates went here everyday? These weren't my type of people. They were too wild. These people seemed to do this every single night. I couldn't do it. I just don't have the vigor in me.

    I was broken from my thoughts with jab in my back through the booth. Annoyed, I turned and looked over the booth. I found a couple really going at it in their passion. She was groaning and moaning really loud. The music drowned her out completely. I felt instantly embarrassed in a sick way. To a normal guy, this would be like watching porn. Not for me. I can't really stand hentai for too long. I'm not even good with real women! Every time I try to talk to them, I freeze up, my face turns bright tomato, and everything I say comes out jumbled up. In the end, they think I'm stupid and walk away laughing. I hate when I end up all alone. To avoid any further shame, I turned back and sat down. This place is really too much for me.

    My head became to ache. The pounding music wasn't helping either. It was shaking the floor badly. I felt as if I in the middle of an earthquake. I thought I was going to be sick. My ears felt like they would break and bleed on the black glowing cold floor. I had to pressed my hands to my ears. I wondered how much more I could endure. I needed to go somewhere else. I needed an escape. I needed..... I needed a drink. Drinks were being served left and right. I looked around for the first available waitress in sight. Once I found one, I flagged her down by waving my arm around in the air. So far, I had no luck. I began to wonder was it even worth trying.

    Finally, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I looked up slowly. A waitress was standing over me with a dark brown tray in her hands. I squinted in pain to see her. Her honey blond hair was pinned up in a messy bun. Her two burnt red chopsticks were the only thing holding it in place. Her skin was a golden tan color. Her dark pink blush on her cheeks made her face look a little puffy. Her misty chocolate lipstick did the same for her lips. The rest of her face looked like a painted canvas. Her small tight black dress only covered her crotch and showed heavy-duty cleavage. The only thing covering her long shapely slender legs was paper thin pantyhose. This tiny buxom thing eyed me heavily. I began to feel myself grow red. Damn she looked so fine! "Here," the waitress said as she handed me a pint of sake. "You look like you could use one!" I said nothing. I just nodded, took the drink, and drank it. The waitress smiled and sat down beside me. "You want to get away from these wild animals?" she asked gingerly. My eyes widened in shock. "How.... did.... you know?" I stammered out. The waitress just smiled and tittered like a little schoolgirl. "Honey, I've been a waitress for eight years. I have seen that look on men's face more than I have seen the rooms upstairs!" I managed to smile again. "Tell you what," the waitress spoke again. "I have a lovely friend upstairs waiting for you in room thirteen. You'll love it up there, much quieter. The walls are sound-proof. And don't worry, she'll may look intimating, but inside she's a sweet little kitty." The deal sounded sweet to my throbbing ears. Then the waitress reached into her dress and pulled a small silver key. I stared at it hard. The number 13 was engraved in it in big fancy print. The waitress looked at my like a sweet little rabbit. "Come on now," she called. "It's only a key. It's not poison!" I quickly snatched the key and clinched it in my soft fist. The waitress smiled. "Have a nice night." she cooed. Then she got up and went to serve another table.

    As I walked up these cold hard stairs to this enigmatic room in this fast life place, doubt came over me. What if I froze up again? What if I get rejected yet again? Not only all of Tokyo University would know, but the whole city as well. I would be the laughing stock. Oh Kami, I can't do this! But suddenly, a strange new rush came over me. I wouldn't know until I tried! If she rejects me, it's her loss! With this odd new confidence, I picked up my speed and climbed the stairs even harder.

    I made it to the dark golden hallway. I was blown away. They must have spent a fortune on this! The whole place looked like a rich hotel. The lavish carpets were pure Indian. The walls were a rich gold color. The ceiling was high and a pale amber. Various doors were on either side of me. So this was where the one-stands disappeared to. I swallowed hard and clinched my fists. Okay then, here I go. I looked from side to side for room thirteen. It sure was quiet here. The waitress wasn't kidding about sound-proof walls. They must have gotten the best material around. The owners must be filthy stinking rich!

    At the end of the hall was room thirteen. I stood it front of it as if it were a huge stone in my path. Was I up to the challenge? There was only one way to see. I stiffened up my lip and opened my hot sweaty hand with the silver key in it. I slowly placed it into the lock. I could feel my heart pounding all I slowly turned the key in the lock. As I lightly pushed open the snow white door, I hear a sound clicking sound. Presumably from a lighter. As I stepped into room thirteen, I saw a site that completely robbed me of my breath.

    She sat on the white silk-sheeted bed in idle playing a lighter opening and closing it. When she looked up at me, I froze stiff and hot. The room was dark but I could still see her hypnotic features clearly in the dim moonlight. Her skin was a rich buttery chocolate coat. Her hair was long, stringy, and raven to her sides. Her eyes were a deep caramel color. Her plump lips seemed to say, "You know you want to kiss me." This was a slender buxom vixen in her own right. The breasts were pillow soft and perfectly rounded. Her waist begged for someone to wrap their arm around it. Her pale white kimono seemed to be falling off her shoulders gracefully. Her plum-colored obi was the only thing holding it in place. Through the opening, I got a peek at what could possibly be mine for tonight. Just the mere sight of this love goddess made my heart speed out and stired my loins. I just had to have her.

    "So," this siren spoke. Her husky seductive voice made me sweat like I had been running for miles. Oh yes, mistress, I am your slave tonight. Get me any command and I will follow! Make my yours tonight! I want you! "What do you desire?" my mistress asked sensually.

Take Me As Yours Tonight