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Christmas Party

Rob needed to come up with a new gift for Noiz this Christmas. He knew what she liked. But, he needed something new to present to his mistress. Ah, there was the challenge. What to get to his little diva? Pleasure is the simplest answer to give. But how? She also likes something different. Hm, something different and erotic. To the Pink Library!

This was their hidden lab for kinky ideas. Noiz and Rob found the room by accident eight months ago while cleaning the house. The Pink Library was right next to the downstairs den. Noiz decided this area would be to store books and magazine of an erotic nature. Good time to consult the “experts.” Rob looked at the collection in front of him. Where to start?

First, the mouse started out with the romantic direction of things. That led to twelve magazines and eight books. Good start there. The mouse decided to work with it a little more from there. Now for the location of the present to take place. Aiko Suite? Too common for them both. Ooo, maybe somewhere different in Sakura Ai Palace! Rob licked his lips at the train of thought. The trail built up from that suggestion. The mouse closed his eyes for a moment and tried to think of another place to do the nasty in house other than the bedroom. Living room? Too dirty. Kitchen? Just like Aiko Suite almost. Hot springs? Getting closer. Bathroom? Rob quickly opened his eyes.

“That’s it!” he exclaimed. Time to look for ideas with the bathroom. Naturally, that meant loving in the bathtub. So, he looked for some good ideas in the bathtub. That dropped down to three magazines and one book. The mouse got to fierce reading. In the book and one magazine, he found two tasty ideas that he couldn’t ignore. Rob read on with big, entertained eyes. Okay, so roses were out. Maybe floating lotus candles instead? They still had bath salts and oils for the rest. Rob shut his eyes and squealed happily. She’s going to love this party! He breathed in and calmed himself down again. Right, time to get to work on the planning. After all, Christmas is not until next week. Plenty of time to spare.

The best time for the “party” would be Christmas night. Usually, had all day to be romantic and erotic on Christmas. Not this year, however. Noiz was going to a party this year. This was an all girls party at Josie’s house among the staff. Good for Rob.

Plenty of time to prepare! So, the pet got right to work. First, he examined the main bathtub. It looks big enough for him, her, and a few floating candles. Next came the decorating. This path had to go from the bathroom to the front door. Rob took his time measuring the inches between the candles on the stairs and floors. He counted each candle he laid down in the places that he wanted them to go. When he got inches from the door, the mouse counted the trail twice. He smiled once he was satisfied.

Perfect! Rob went back upstairs to the bathroom. The mouse cleaned up the tub just to be certain that it was squared away for tonight. He plugged the drain and turned on the water. He stood back smiling as the level began rising. Rob poured in the oil and bath salts. He watched as the water ate up the sweet-smelling gifts of femininity. He closed his eyes and slowly took in the scent. He felt himself getting into the mood.

Noiz-sama… The taste of her bare skin filled his mouth. He couldn’t wait to hear her crying out once again. Suddenly, Rob ripped himself back into reality. He quickly shook his head.

“What am I doing?” the mouse asked aloud. “I still have work to do.” As the bath filled up, he finished up with the candles by lighting them up, one by one. The mouse blew out the match when he was down and threw it away. Rob took one more look around the setting. He smiled once everything passed satisfaction. The present was almost ready. There were two more elements needed to complete the package. Rob looked down at himself.

I’m overdressed. Well, there was only one way to fix that. The mouse stripped himself naked in a hurry. Too bad Noiz wasn’t here; she’d make him strip down slowly to get her heated up. But, there would be plenty of time to heat her up later. But, he had some work to finish up. Rob opted against sending her an invitation through text. That would take the fun out of the surprise. The mouse just needed the candles, bath, and himself to send Noiz into a dreamy paradise tonight. With that, everything was almost set. To finish up, he cut the water off.

At ten, Noiz finally came home. She was about to turn on the lights in the living room as she was taking off her shoes when something on the floor caught her eye. A single, white lotus blossom candle was lit on the floor. Noiz stared at it for a long moment. She raised an eyebrow at it.

What is that boy up to now? The kitty slowly looked up ahead of her. A trail of lit candles led the way up the stairs. Noiz began smiling to herself. Okay then, I’ll follow the lit path. But first, Noiz closed her eyes and let the faint smell of jasmines tingle in her nose. She felt her curious excitement settling down for a brief moment. I knew was it was best to pay those candles at that art shop before they went out of business. Once she got her fill, Noiz processed up the stairs.

The lights and mixed scent of jasmine and lavender led the kitty up the stairs and to the hall. Her eyes scanned the glowing darkness. The path didn’t lead to Aiko Suite like she had expected it to. Instead, the trail seemed to stop at the bathroom door. A smiled curved onto Noiz’s face.

Ooo, a bath scene. Tasty. She walked up to the door and knocked on it.

“Yes?” her pet said on the other side.

“We alone tonight?” the cat asked.

“Yes,” her pet replied. Noiz tried her best to keep herself under calm for the last few seconds on the outside.

“May I come in?” she asked.

“Of course!” her lover said back. Noiz tried to calm down as she slid open the door and peeked inside. The hazy glow drew her inside. Many lit lotus candles littered the floor. Noiz looked around with a soft, romantic look in her eyes. The room was silent; the music was not needed tonight. Beside, Noiz’s softly beating heart provided a good opening to the night. Before her, Rob sat in the tub waiting for her with a smile on his face.

“Hello there,” he greeted her. “You lonely tonight?” Noiz pressed her lips together in a tiny smile as she slid the door shut behind her.

“Not anymore,” she replied. “Is this all for me?”

“But of course,” the mouse told her. Noiz felt the warm and fuzzy feeling rising in her chest.

“Ooo,” she said. “I’m feeling rather warm now!” Rob licked his lips at her.

“Really now? You look a little overdressed,” he suggested.

The kitty blushed. “Maybe that’s why…” She reached for her obi and pulled it a loose. Rob licked his lips as he watched her. The pink and blue cloth fell straight to the floor. Noiz paused and looked at her pet. Rob motioned his hand to get her to continue.

“Go on,” he pushed. “You’re not done yet.”

“Hang on!” she said. Noiz slid off her matching and let it fall to the floor. Her mouse drooled at her underwear. He felt himself getting hard in the water.

“Yes!” he cheered. “More, more!” Noiz smiled as she slowly unhooked her navy blue bra and slid it off.

“Ooo!” Rob cheered. Noiz slid off her black and pink from the thighs to her knees, calves, and ankles. She stepped out of them once they touched the floor. The mouse licked his lips at her. She stood before him, naked. Rob leaned over the edge of the tub and looked her up and down.

“Come on in, my mistress,” he said to her in a flirty way. The kitty gave him her own flirty smile.

“You know what?” she asked. “I think I will!” Noiz made her way over to the bathtub and climbed in. The mouse smiled as his lover’s curved body sank into the heated water with him.

“Well,” he spoke up. “Here we are.”

“Yeah,” Noiz said with a nod.

“Welcome to our party!” Rob spoke up. “What do you want to do first?”

Noiz raised an eyebrow at him. “So I’m picking tonight?”

Rob nodded at her once. “This is your present after all.”

Noiz took a moment to think about that. Then, her curved into a warm smile. The kitty leaned in and gave him a tender kiss on the lips. Rob happily kissed her back. He took her into his arms and sank back into the water. Noiz gracefully spread her legs over him as a tasty idea filled her mind. She hadn’t tried this in months. Tonight felt just right to act on her latest desire. But first, a little distraction.

Noiz let her right hand slide down to his member. She slowly guided it into waiting womanhood. Rob moaned at her lips and hastily pushed his tongue into her mouth. His mistress gave him her own tongue to play with inside. She held him close to her body and slowly began to ride him. Rob shut his eyes and moaned happily in her mouth. Noiz playfully rubbed on his shoulders to ease him in further as she began working her fantasy on him. Her hands even caressed on his strong back. Rob pushed his body up closer to her for more. Noiz smiled to herself wickedly. She had him in a sexy trap, now to act.

Noiz moved her mouth from his lips to neck with a trail of licks and kisses. Rob happily moaned aloud.

“Oh yes!” he whimpered. “More, more!” More was what Noiz happily gave him. When she came down to the flesh of his neck, she parted her lips wide enough for the job. She bit down into the flesh in a painful, seductive way. Her mouse cried out in a gasp. His mistress smiled to herself in a wicked way.

He tastes so good! His hot blood spilled into her mouth, making the cat drink into him even more as she sped up down below. Rob panted wildly at the sensation.

“Wow!” he managed to yelp. “What is all of this?” Noiz glanced up at him like a little angel. She slowly let go of his neck and looked up.

“I’m just helping myself to the wine,” the kitty whispered to him. Rob blinked at her with a confused smile on his face.

“My blood as wine?” he asked.

“That’s right,” Noiz replied. “Your blood is my wine tonight.” She parted her lips and bit back down into his neck. The taste of him made her pound harder. Rob shut his eyes and slowly took it all in. He managed to hold her close in his arms as she drank. Noiz happily took in more. She felt herself getting wetter as she pumped and drank. Rob let his body relax and take her all in. He even arched his hips upwards to give his mistress more to work with. Noiz held him still and kept drinking. The taste drove her to pump and drink even faster. Blood began to trail down from her mouth to heated neck. The mouse slowly shut his eyes and let himself get lost in the deep, erotic fantasy.

“Oh my god!” he whimpered. “I’m coming…” Noiz finished her meal at the wild climax. She let go after a few seconds. The kitty slowly sat up and licked her lips. She giggled to herself.

“That was yummy!” she cheered. Noiz looked down and saw her boyfriend close to dead in the water. The kitty leaned down and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

“Merry Christmas,” she whispered. “Thank you for my gift.” Then, Noiz pulled Rob out of the water, drained the tub, and took him off to bed with her.

Sweet Christmas Wine