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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Circus Excite:

Warm water. The heat made Noiz smile. She put her hand on the water. A playful sensation filled her heart. She instantly cleared away all thoughts in her mind. The sweet oil tickled her nose. Who knew a bath could yield such simple pleasures?, she thought.

Noiz disrobed and climbed in. The heat engulfed her body.

“Mmm,” she said. The cat let her mind wander into sexy dreams.

Mosh always spoiled her with attention. He made her feel like a queen. No, not a queen. Goddess fit the description much better. Noiz smiled to herself. Her hands came to her chest.

My heart’s racing, she thought. The kitty tried to calm herself down. Her heart slowly returned to normal. She was in her zone again.

But them, a pair of hands began rubbing her shoulders. Noiz jerked her head around. Mosh stood over her, smiling. The cat calmed down again.

“It’s you,” she said. He gave her a little smile.

“Of course it is,” the mouse said. “Who else would it be?” His wife only chuckled.

“Yeah,” she said. The kitty settled back into her zone. Mosh went back to rubbing her shoulders. She whimpered to herself.

“Feels good, huh?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said. “Mmm.”

“Want me to keep on?”


“You sure?”


Mosh smiled to himself. “Alright.” He kept rubbing her shoulders. Noiz whimpered to herself.

“Oh! That’s feels good.”

Mosh kept rubbing on her shoulders. He started off slow as usual. His wife took it all in. She breathed in heavily.

Yes! Her mind settled back into her sexy place. Ideas drifted into her head. Tasty little ones.

“Hey Mosh,” she said.

“Hm?” he asked. Noiz looked up at him.

“Are you doing anything next Friday evening?” she asked.

“No,” he said. “Why?” She gave him a little smile.

“Oh, I have a little show for you then,” she said. He looked on at her.

“A show?” he asked. “What kind of show?” The cat kept her smile.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she asked. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Noiz kissed back.

“Please tell me,” Mosh whispered at her lips.

“Uh-uh,” the cat replied.


“Only one condition.”


Noiz sat up some in the tub. “Undress.”

Mosh paused. “What?”



“Yeah, now.”

Mosh stared at her for a little bit. “Okay…”

The mouse stood back and slid off his shirt. Noiz watched on intently.

“I like!” she said. The mouse slid off his jeans and boxers. He stood before her, naked.

“Okay,” Mosh said. “Now what should I do?” Noiz leaned over the tub.

“Climb in,” she commanded. Her husband complied.

“Now what?” he asked. She leaned in close to his lips.

“Let me show you,” she whispered.