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Chapter Three: Conquered:

Tonight was the wedding night. Now, it was Mosh’s turned to surprise the bride.

“So where are we going tonight?” Noiz asked. Mosh giggled at her.

“You’ll see,” he said happily. The mouse kissed her on the lips in the limo. Noiz giggled as she kissed him back. He even groped her breasts as a promise. She whimpered at his mouth. The limo rode on through the night.

The limo went out into the country. Mosh counted down to ETA. They pulled up to their destination. Noiz looked out the window. Night as far as the eye could see. The crickets outside provided the music.

“Where are we?” she asked.

“Open the door and see,” her new husband answered. Noiz did so and looked out. Her eyes lit up like a paper lantern. Beautiful country night. Looked like a festival tonight. Bright paper lanterns led the way to an old time Bed and Breakfast. Noiz couldn’t take her eyes off of this place.

“Wow!” she whispered. Mosh stood next to her.

“Love it?” he asked. Noiz turned to him smiling.

“I do!” she said. Mosh pat his arm around her.

“Shall we go in?” he asked. Noiz nodded happily.

“Uh-hm,” she said. Mosh walked his bride down the lantern-lit path. The cat snuggled up to the mouse. He only smiled to himself.

They walked up to the door. Mosh pushed it open.

“After you,” he said. Noiz gave him a little smile.

“Gladly,” she replied. Noiz walked into the B&B. Her new husband followed behind.

The inside felt like they walked back into time. To the Floating World to be exact. Noiz looked around her. Erotic ancient art covered the walls. Red silk booths sat off to the right. Noiz raised an eyebrow at the place. She turned to her husband.

“This isn’t a love B&B, is it?” she asked. Mosh chuckled.

“You’ll see,” he replied.

“Ooo,” his wife said. “Show me.” Mosh took her by the hand. They walked over to the front desk. The receptionist was dressed like a geisha.

“Welcome to the Floating World Bed and Breakfast!” she greeted them. “How can I help your needs tonight?” The groom stepped forward, grinning.

“We’re here for the Cherry Blossom Suite under the Benson name,” he said. The receptionist’s eyes lit up.

“Oh, the newlyweds!” she chirped.

“That’s right!” Noiz said.

“Hang on,” the receptionist replied. She looked in the little red book. The couple looked on with her. The receptionist looked up, smiling.

“Ah, here you are!” she said. “Let me get your key.” She turned to the keycard wall and drew out the one for room 21. She handed the couple their card.

“Here you go,” the receptionist said. “Enjoy your stay.”

“Oh trust me!” Mosh replied. “We will.” He smacked Noiz on the bum for emphasis. Noiz giggled aloud.

“Ow,” she said in between them. The receptionist winked at them.

Mosh led his bride down the hall. Noiz took quick looks around her. The hall was set up like one that led to a royal palace. Mosh went all out for this one. What else was he planning tonight?

The couple made it to their room. Mosh took the keycard and slid it through the slot. The light flashed green. He slid the door open.

Noiz looked inside to the darkness.

“Let’s turn on the lights, shall we?” she said. The cat was about to reach for the light switch when Mosh arrested her wrist. The bride glanced behind her. The groom shook his head.

“No, no,” he whispered. “You’ll kill the mood.” Noiz smiled at him as she lowered her hand. Mosh dragged her over to the bed. Noiz looked up, smiling.

“Now, how shall I have you tonight?” she asked. Mosh smirked and shook his head at her.

“Uh-uh, I think you won’t,” he said. The bride smirked at him.

“And what do you plan to do with me?” she asked. Mosh kissed her on the lips.

“You just lie there and enjoy yourself,” he said. He grabbed her obi and yanked it loose. The kimono flourished open. Noiz looked on, waiting.

“Alright,” she replied. Her husband put his finger to her lips.

“Shhh,” he whispered. “Don’t talk until I tell you to.” Noiz nodded quickly. Mosh smirked at her.

“Good girl,” he cooed. The mouse slowly slid off her kimono. He took his sweet time there. The bride couldn’t help but to murmur at his touch. He kissed her on the lips to keep her quiet. Noiz kissed back. She reached up and untied his gi. Mosh slid it off himself and threw it aside. He slipped his tongue into her mouth. The bride happily reciprocated. She reached up and rubbed on his shoulders. Mosh moaned in her mouth. His member woke up at her touch. Many ideas about this honeymoon surged in his head. Oh, this would be fun!

Noiz reached out and grabbed his hakama. She pulled them loose and slid them off. His boxers soon joined. Mosh’s kisses moved down to her neck. His wife moaned at the sensation.

The groom’s hands snaked behind her back. His fingers found her lacy pink bra. He played with the hooks at first. Noiz shut her eyes in delight.

“Mmm,” she whimpered. Mosh freed up each hook one by one. When the last one came apart, the mouse removed the bra and tossed it to the floor. His kisses trailed down from Noiz’s neck to her now naked breasts. His mouth found her hard left nipple. His tongue played with it until his mouth wrapped around it. His left hand massaged and kneed on her other breast. Noiz moaned aloud. She even arched her back up to him. Mosh smirked to himself in his head. Just about ready. Only one thing left.

Mosh’s right hand moved down to his wife’s lacy white panties. The mouse took his time sliding them off. The bride slowly spread her legs as the panties came off of her ankles and hit the floor. Now to really open the show. The groom let his fingers stray down to her entry. They started up on their massage.

“Oh yes,” Noiz whimpered. “More!” Mosh kept at his slow pace at first. Then, he began to dip them inside. His fingers began to make small circles.

“Oh!” Noiz cried. She arched her back up a little bit higher. The mouse circled his fingers faster. Sweet wetness met the tips.

“You’re almost ready,” he said at her chest. “Just a little bit longer.” His kitty whimpered at him.

“Don’t tease me like this,” she pleaded. “I love you.” Mosh glanced up at her.

“How much?” he asked. Noiz looked down at him.


“How much do you love me?”

“So much that I’d go mad without you!”

“Really now?”


Mosh smirked at her. “Good girl.” He pulled out his fingers and slipped himself inside of her. Both moaned aloud. The groom kissed her on the chest.

“Want more?” he asked.

“Yes!” Noiz cried. “How bad?”

“Give it to me!”

Mosh thought about that for a moment.

“Good enough,” he said. Then, Mosh slowly began pulling in and out of her. His hands grabbed onto her shoulders. His mouth returned to her breasts. Noiz closed her eyes again.

“Oh yeah!” she cried. “Harder! More!” He glanced up at her.

“Say please,” her husband commanded. The kitty tried to fight it at first, but the pleasure took over everything. She folded fast.

“More, please!” the bride cried. “Please go harder!” The mouse smirked to himself.

“Good girl,” he muttered. Then, he buried his head back into her breasts as she sped up. Noiz screamed out louder.

“Oh yes!” she cried. “Ooh! I love you, Mousey!” That drove her husband to pump even harder and faster. He even bit down into her breasts at one point. The bride yelped in pain and pleasure.

“Oh yeah, I love you!!!” she creamed as a result. The groom went as fast as his body could go.

The mouse came to a heavy climax afterwards.

“OH NOIZ-SAMA!!!” he cried as he felt himself explode within her. His bride cried out as well. Mosh collapsed on top of her, panting. He lifted his head at her.

“We’re married now ,” the mouse whispered. Noiz let her body relax as she was falling asleep to the warmth of his body.

“Mmm, yes,” she murmured. The kitty was now sound asleep. Mosh smiled to himself and chuckled. He kissed her on the chest once more.

“Night Noiz-sama,” he whispered. Her breasts made a nice pillow for the night.