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Chapter Thirty-Four: Country Matters:

Tokyo felt alive this morning. Noiz kept her eyes on the road ahead of her. Again, Mosh had to get out of Aiko Suite for some fun. His wife didn’t mind it. Anything to get out of doing paperwork for the morning.

“So how long are we staying out?” the cat asked.

“Sorry?” Mosh asked.

“How long are we staying out today?” Noiz asked again. The mouse shrugged.


“On what?”

“When we feel like it.”

“When we feel like it or when you feel like it?”


Noiz just kind of shrugged. “Alright.” She drove further out of the city. The radio was turned on low, but they weren’t really listening anyway. Good music rarely came on in the morning as it was. Mosh put his head on her shoulder. Noiz’s eyes glanced at him and then turned back to the road.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“What?” he asked in a sweet tone. His hand rested on her lap. His wife tried to stay focused. Mosh smiled at the new idea that formulated in his head. His hand threaded further up her lap. Noiz took a hard breath. Don’t give in!, she thought. Stay focused on the road. Keep driving! Mosh wasn’t going to make that easy for her.

His hand slipped between her thighs. The kitty breathed in heavier.

“What are you doing?” she whispered. Mosh smiled to her in response.

“Keep driving,” he said.

“To where?” Noiz asked.

“Anywhere!” Mosh said.

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” His fingers moved all the way to her black satin panties. Noiz took in deeper breaths.


Mosh smiled as he leaned in close to her ear. “Good girl.” He gently pushed aside the crotch of her panties and began to rub on her entry. His wife softly whimpered.

“Oh wow,” she whispered.

“Keep your eyes on the road,” he said. The kitty nodded as she kept driving.

“Good, good,” the mouse said. He sped up a little bit with his fingers. Noiz drove them out of the city. I’m just going on my own, she thought. I don’t even feel like I’m driving here. Her younger husband smiled at his work. Good, he thought. Good little cat. I’ll let you have more. Mosh gradually dipped his fingers inside. Noiz nearly sped up at such a gesture.

“Easy there,” her man said. “I want to live.” Noiz nodded.

“Okay, okay,” she said. “But, this’ll be hard.”

“Why? Because of this?” he asked. He pulled his two fingers in deeper.

“Oooo!” she whimpered. Her foot pushed on the gas a little bit more. His other hand rested on her knee.

“Relax,” the mouse whispered. “Relax and focus on the road. I want to stay alive to do this again sometime.”

“I don’t know if I can,” his wife whimpered. Mosh leaned into Noiz’s ear again.

“If you don’t,” he whispered. “I won’t speed up. What do you say to that?” Noiz whimpered as she gripped onto the steering wheel as she breathed with all of her might.

“Well?” Mosh asked. “I’m waiting.” Noiz finally nodded.

“Okay,” she yelped in a whisper. Mosh gave her a dirty little smile.

“Smart choice,” he whispered. The mouse sped up even more. He even added a third finger into the mix. Noiz moaned out louder.

“Oh yeah!” she cried. “More, more!”

“Stay focused on the road,” her husband commanded.

“Yes sir!!!” his wife cried. “Oh!!!” The sexy drive went further out of the suburbs by this point.

Noiz came when the jeep drove out to the river. She came to a complete stop at the road. Mosh drew back his fingers and licked them up, smiling. Noiz shut her eyes and tried to catch her breath. The mouse looked over at his wife when he cleaned up his fingers.

“So?” he asked. “How was it?” Noiz opened her eyes turned to him, still panting.

“Whoa!” was all that she could say at first. The mouse chuckled at her.

“That good, huh?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she replied. The couple paused for a brief minutes.

“Now what?” Noiz asked.

“Go home,” Mosh said as he put his chin on her shoulder. The cat turned to him with a funny look.

“Just like that?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said. Noiz just gave him a small shrug.

“Okay,” she said. The kitty put her jeep in drive and drove them straight home.