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Chapter Ten: Country Pleasures:

*Earlier in the day*

Mosh sat up in bed.

“Let’s go out today!” he said. Noiz gave him a blank look.

“Why?” she asked. Her husband grabbed her by the hand.

“Just get dressed and come on!” he said.

“Whoa!” Noiz cried as he dragged her out of bed. “Slow down there!” The mouse didn’t listen. He kept pushing her to move.

Ten a.m. outside. Noiz looked around at the endless green. Hello spring morning. Noiz turned to Mosh.

“Okay,” she said. “Why are we out here?” Her pet giggled.

“You’ll see,” he said. He told her by the hand and led her down the path. Cherry trees had just bloomed for the season.

“Pretty!” Noiz gasped happily. Mosh enclosed her narrow waist with his right arm.

“They’ll lead us to where we need to go,” he whispered. Her eyes trailed over to him.

“Really?” she asked. He kissed her on the side of her head.

“Come along with me,” he whispered. The mouse playfully dragged her along with him.

“Ooo,” Noiz said, giggling. The cherry blossom petals floated overhead along with them.

“How much longer?” Noiz asked.

“You’ll see,” Mosh said. “Hang in there.” He nuzzled her neck after he spoke. His wife giggled. The couple walked down the cherry blossom petal-covered stone steps.

“Close your eyes for a minute,” Mosh whispered.

“Why?” his wife asked.

“Just do it,” he said.

“Okay…” Noiz mumbled. The kitty shut her eyes like so. Her young husband held her by her waist.

“What do you hear?” he asked.

“Wind and birds,” she said.

“Any singing?”


“Shhh. Keep listening. You’ll hear it soon.”


They went quiet for a long a moment. Then, Noiz paused.

“I hear it! I can hear singing!” she gasped.

“Very good,” Mosh whispered. Then, he moved in front of his wife and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. Noiz smiled and kissed him back.

Cherry blossoms blew overhead.

End of Part One