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Crow #3

Crow: Okay.... First Mina shows up, now Elis is here. I'm not use to this much company.

*Crow and Elis walk down the hall*

Crow: Elis has it rough. Ever since she was fourteen, Elis has had bad relationships with men. She has been raped more times than I have been alone. Thus, becoming the school whore. Elis currently has a boyfriend named Roger. He is her greatest fear.

Elis: Arigato for letting me stay for the night.

Crow: Uh-huh. *Mumbles* This will be a long night.

*Elis and Crow make it to Crow's room*

*Mina looks up*

Mina: Elis?

*Elis keeps quiet*

Crow: Good night!

*Crow goes to bed and falls asleep*

*Elis and Mina go quiet*

*The next day*

*Elis is at her locker. A couple of guys walk by and circle her*

Guy 1: Hey doll!

Elis: Go away.

Guy 2: Aw, don't be that way!

Elis: I'm not like that!

Guy 1: Slut!

*The guy slaps Elis in the face*

Voice: Hey! Leave her alone!

*All three turn*

*Adam stands firm and scowling*

Guy 2: Adam, why are you protecting this slut?

*Adam goes silent*

*The bell rings*

*All four rush to class*

Crow: Alas, Adam loved Elis with all her heart. But he had his fears. Roger was one of them and rejection was the other. But soon he would overcome them both.

*Outside on the roof*

*Adam finds Savannah on the roof with a small bag in her hands*

*Savannah looks up*

Savannah: Oh hi, bro!

*She tries to put the bag away*

Adam: Doing opium again, eh?

Savannah: Uh...

Crow: Savannah has had an opium addiction since she was ten. It had gotten worse over the years. Adam knew about it but was afraid to tell someone.

Savannah: All right, fine! Yes!

Adam: You need to stop.

Savannah: Yeah, yeah.

*Savannah walks away into the school*

*Adam watches and sighs*

Crow: Adam hated his sister's drug problem. He felt powerless to save her. But that would soon change.