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Cultural Festival

Just like every school in Japan, Tokyo-Zion Academy also has cultural festivals. However, they have a little extra in the evening.

Noiz stood in front of the doors of the Lion Hall, grinning. She waited as the students and staff filled the hallway. They had been looking forward to this evening. Noiz clapped her hands together.

“Welcome!” she said. “Thank you for coming!” She counted down in her head.

“I know you have been waiting for this moment and I will not keep you long,” the kitty headmistress said. “Let us begin.” She turned and unlocked the door.

The cool breeze hit her in the face. A long glass table covered in a lacy white tablecloth was waiting for them. Covered plates were waiting for the guests. Candles and flowers in a vase added to the royal charm the room had going for it. Noiz walked up to the head of the table and sat down. She watched as everyone took their seats. Their headmistress counted down in her head about how this night was going to go.

“This dinner will be thanks for all of your hard work this week,” she said. Noiz held out her hands.

“Uncover your plates,” she said. Everyone uncovered their plates.

First Course

Spring rolls and tofu balls. Eating and chatter filled the room. It was Noiz who started this tradition. Jun-Jun found this room on the West campus. Inside was like a time capsule.

“Whoa!” Junko said. She pulled out her phone and took pictures. The staff had to see this for themselves.

“This was back here?” Iris asked.

“Uh-huh,” Jun-Jun said.

“Wow,” Bemmer said. Noiz looked around the room as the wheels turned in her head. And then an idea came into her head.

“Hey guys,” she said.

“Yeah?” Jun asked.

“The cultural festival is coming up, yeah?” Noiz asked.

“Yeah,” Iris said. The headmistress turned her head.

“I have a couple of ideas for this place,” she said with a grin.

Second Course

Miso and garden salad. Noiz sits around and smiles at her handy work. It took days to clean up this building. Three days to clean the room. Honestly, the room just needed a touch-up. The women loved the style of the room. European royalty in the 1700s. How could they change it?

“I feel like a queen in here,” Noiz said. She closed her eyes and held out her arms.

“What are we doing in here?” Jun asked. The headmistress opened her eyes and turned around.

Main Course

Roasted Wagu beef in red sauce, roasted vegetables, garlic bread, and fatty tuna as a substitute for those not eating beef.

“Are you sure we can do this?” Bemmer asked. He looked over the menu in his hand. Noiz looked along with him. She narrowed her eyes.

“We can make this work,” the headmistress said. “We have some of the ingredients in the kitchen. If we go over budget, it will come out of my pocket.” She sounded so sure about this. Bemmer didn’t try to argue. She won’t listen.

Bemmer turned his head to Noiz at the table. She turned to him with a smile on her face.

“See? I told you this would work,” the kitty headmistress said with her smile. Bemmer pressed his lips together before he picked up his chopsticks and started eating. Noiz herself took another bite of her beef.


Chocolate and vanilla. This has been going on for a year. The first time turned out to be a success. At first, the staff wasn’t too sure.

“You sure this will work?” Iris asked.

“Only one way to see,” Noiz said. She stretched her arms above her head.

The kitty headmistress took another bite of her cake. Tasted like heaven dancing on her tongue. This dinner took effort to put together. The first year was a surprise. Even that was hard to pull off. Only a small amount of students knew what was going on. There were a couple of times it came close to slipping up. But they managed to pull it off.

Noiz smiled in her seat as everyone kept eating. They weren’t done yet. There was just one more course. She picked up her chopstick and tapped the side of her glass. The room got quiet as they looked up at her. Noiz cleared her throat and smiled.

“Everyone,” she said. “We have one more gift for you. Look under your seats.” The students and staff looked under their chairs.

One More Treat

A pink bag of chocolates. Bemmer turned to her with a stunned look on his face.

“How were you able to afford this?” he asked. Noiz just smiled and winked at him. She opened her bag and popped a chocolate into her mouth.

Dinner was over by ten. The staff and volunteers were left to clean up the mess. When she was alone in the Lion Hall, Noiz sat in her chair smiling to herself. Another successful dinner for the cultural festival.
