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The night was cold. Ann kept her pale thin body wrapped tightly in her black shawl wrap as she put fifty-nine yen in the pay phone just outside the Lion Hall. She dialed the number quickly. Ann listened to the phone on the other line ringing.

The phone rang at Paris’ house. It woke her and the man lying next to her in bed up. You see, Paris had remarried three years ago and was madly in love with him.

Paris was startled by the sudden night phone call. She looked to her second husband. He looked at her as if to say, “Don’t worry dear, I’ll protect you.” “Hello?” he answered in a tired voice. “Yes, a collect call for Parker-san from King-san. Will you accept the change from Japan?” the operator. The husband hung up the phone immediately.

“I wonder why he hung up.” the operator told Ann. “Is there supposed to be someone else there besides your friend, san, to answer?” Ann slowly sank to her knees in defeat. Paris had remarried!

The operator dialed Paris’ number again. “Hello?” the husband answered again. “This is Japan calling. Are we reaching --“ she tried again. The husband hung up again. “See, he keeps hanging up, and it’s a man answering.” the operator said to Ann.

Ann kept looking into the cold night. Her one ticket to redemption had vanished into thin air.

[A cane files over a black horizon. It looked down and saw another crane lying on the cold hard ground. Its wing was badly broken. The poor creature tried to fly but to no avail. Feeling pity, the strong crane flew down to the injured crane. It looked at the poor bird in sympathy. The strong crane nursed the wounded bird back to health.

Over time, the waters grew rough. The injured crane attacked the strong crane. The strong bird fought back. Finally, the waters seemed friendly again. The weak crane went to the stronger one for help. The strong crane stabbed the weaker one straight in chest with its beak without warning. The weak crane slowly died. Then, the strong crane picked up the body and flew away.

What shall we use to fill the empty spaces

 Where waves of hunger roar?


Shall we set out across the sea of faces In search of more and more applause?


A all of greed slowly rose item by item. Benz. Money. TVs. Radios. Computers. BMW. Watches. Jewelry. Jeep. The wall seemed endless. It kept growing and growing over a sea of black demon kitties. This evil wall was unstoppable. A dark gate seemed torn open. Young mothers were caught up in the wall screaming. Flowers changed into violent thorns. A little baby grew into a hideous demon. The demon then rushed to a young defenseless boy and beat him to death with a club. The hungry wall raged onward. It crashed into a temple and destroyed it completely.

Shall we buy a new guitar


Shall we drive a more powerful car


Shall we work straight through the night


Shall we get into fights


Leave the lights on


Drop bombs


Do tours of the east


contract diseases


Bury bones


 Break up homes


Send flowers by phone


Take to drink


Go to shrinks


Give up meat


Rarely sleep


Keep people as pets


Train dogs


Race rats


Fill the attic with cash


Bury treasure


Store up leisure


But never relax at all


With our backs to the wall


From the ashes of destruction, rose a new powerful being. It didn’t have a face or name. But dark auroras flowed off from its clay body.

A young girl in white was being dragged to the front of this new world. She was in a frightened wreck. Black hooded beings surrounded her tightly. The clay demon turned to them. It’s raised up its hand to the sky and the killing began. The maiden’s blood flowed down to the barren wasteland. The blood mingled with the ground. A hammer formed and rose up from the ground swinging.



CRASH!!! A gang of kids were breaking into a toy store to steal some last-minute Christmas gifts. They stuffed their jackets full of toys. The boys would have gotten away if the hadn’t drove up and thwarted them. The poor kids tried to escape but it was in vain. The cops arrested them for petty larceny. However, they all didn’t notice two little old ladies picking up the fallen toys and walking away as fast as they could.