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    You must have pure heart and an open mid to see the world. Otherwise, you won't really learn anything in the world. If you don't learn anything, you don't grow. When you have a pure heart and open mind, you grow and value that can't be seen such as love and friendship. Your treasure values that last forever and will never grow old or die. So purify your heart and mind. You'll learn better.



    Struggle is important to life. Without struggle, life is meaningless. Struggle has its rewards and punishments in the end. One will never know unless they chance it. So take a chance and struggle with life. It's worth your goals in the end. Trust me! It is all worth it! You will see in the end. Trust me! It is all worth it! You will see in the end. Hang in there!



    When you die, what we did won't matter. What will matter, is the kindness in your heart. If you are greatly kind, you will be remembered. But if you're cold-hearted, you'll be remembered too. Between the two it is better to be remembered for kindness and purity than cruelty and selfishness. Trust me, it is much easier on your soul and your family to have good things said about you after your passing.



JRR Tolkien: I want to take a few tips of writing from him.

Anne Rice: I also want to take a few tips of writing from her as well.

Edgar Allen Poe: I also want to take a few more tips of writing from him as well.

    As you can see, I love writing and need all the help I can get making my career grow.



    The energy inside of us is inspiration. It comes from the special people that change our lives forever. They move us to make most of ourselves. I've met good number of people and few have inspired me to work and push harder to meet my goals. People come and go but the ones who change our lives for the better, matter the most.



    I'd tell the kids it was over hyped and excuse to go to war. Sure it was a tragedy but after awhile people needed to get over it. The whole thing was all just beating a dead horse. All it did was annoy people who got over 9/11 and get our boys killed for nothing. All because of Bush's vengeance to carry out what his daddy started. This was all just an excuse to go to war against Iraq. What a waste!



    I would like to talk to Aruther Miller. I want to talk to him about his life. Everything from his marriage to Marilyn Monroe to the "Crucible"'s ending. I also want to get some writing tips from him. Too bad he's dead now. I pity his loss. I miss him so dearly.


Aruther Miller



    I'd learn to be more patient with people. To be a teacher, one has to have a lot of patience. I couldn't deal with other people's children. I have neither the time nor the patience to do so. The teacher would learn I'm very smart and creative. Also, that I'm very lovable as well.



Inclusion not exclusion is the key to survival.

    Inclusion of different people is important to life. It opens your mind and broadens your horizons. Plus, if you are nice to someone who is different from you, they might help you out later in life. However, if you're mean to someone different from you, then it's a no go! So do yourself a favor and use inclusion like a pencil!