Isabel had a small effect on me. A tree fell and broke our back fence. I had to pick up the fallen pecans in the yard. My hands were stained for weeks! I was not happy!10-2
My grandma would always tell me stories at bedtime. She would always tell me about my birth. She would tell me again and again when I stayed with her.10-7
I have these child-like qualities. They make me happy! I sometimes act like a kid. My aunt even said one day that I still act like a little girl. My family gives me things, take me places, and pick me up. That adds to the child-like qualities. I'm happy for my child-qualities. I keep them to help my creativity grow and last as long as I live. I guess, somehow, I don't want to grow up.10-8
My idea of a perfect world is honesty would be everywhere, everyone accepts everyone of race religion, sex, sexuality, and culture. Liberty and justice for all would be everywhere. Democracy would be everywhere as well. People would all talk reasonably with justice. That is what a perfect would is.10-9
My aunt and my guy friend have had the greatest impact upon my life. They both inspire me through my years and my writings. They both are funny and great to be with. I would be heart-broken if I lost them both. They are real important to me and I care greatly about them.10-15
My life in my community is boring. My neighborhood is a retirement place with old people and very few children. Only things that move along the streets are people, animals, and all forms of transportation. On top of that, the place is near my high school. Nothing really happens in my community. But there is no where else to go. So I am stuck! I've even written about how boring it is.10-16
I don't care about the social class. It's all the same to me. People are kind of in the middle. I sometimes feel like I'm rich because I get spoiled by my family. A social class to me really has no affect on a person's status here.10-21
I'd say I'm more of a tide-fighting person because I stop at nothing to see change in my life and I keep pushing it. But sometimes I go with the flow after I win my way.