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Chapter Thirty-Four: Master Feelgood:

As Noiz would come to learn, Rob himself had a naughty side to him. She found out about it one night after work. The kitty had expect much that night. She just wanted to eat and go to bed. Too bad Rob had other plans that night.

The kitty made it up to her gate. She unlocked it and went inside. Noiz walked down the path to the front door. She unlocked that and went inside. The lights in Sakura Ai Palace had been turned off. Noiz looked around some. “Hm,” she thought. “Rob must be in bed asleep already.” Ha! If she had only known! The cat took off her shoes and went further inside. Noiz walked up the stairs so not to wake her pet up. When she came into the hallway, the kitty noticed a light on. That light came from Aiko Suite. Noiz looked on slightly confused. “Hm?” she thought. “What’s going on here?” The kitty decided to investigate.

She walked over to Aiko Suite’s mighty seductive door. A chill came over Noiz’s body. Behind this door sat an overpowering sexy secret that only her and Rob shared. Night after night to be exact. She and him worshipped this sexy love palace to no end. Tonight, the door itself filled her with both wonder and fear. Noiz’s heart raced as she knocked on the mighty gate of love.

“Come in,” a muzzled voice replied. Noiz stepped back a bit startled. “He’s awake!” she thought in surprise. The kitty didn’t know what to do there. She couldn’t turn away now. The silent sensual voice from behind the door sang out to her. Noiz couldn’t turn away. She had to go inside. The kitty opened the door and went inside.

A hazy red light greeted Noiz inside. She looked all around her. The seductive atmosphere had come to life here. Noiz felt herself sinking into a deep aroused trance. She felt herself falling and couldn’t stop. Her eyes slowly glazed over.

“Hello there, my little pet-slave!” a voice greeted her. The cat looked up right away. Rob sat on the bed waiting for her. He took her completely by surprise tonight! For, she didn’t see the cute-sexy mouse boy she had grown to love. Instead, six-foot tall handsome-sexy fox-boy sat on their bed staring at her. He was completely naked tonight. Noiz stared on at him blushing. She suddenly felt hot and sweaty all over her slender curved body. Rob smiled at her wickedly.

“Surprised, huh?” he asked aloud. Noiz couldn’t speak at all. She just nodded him slowly. Rob smiled at her still. He sat up some.

“I rarely take this form,” he explained seductively. “Only when I’m hungry.” Noiz raised an eyebrow at him there.

“What are you hungry for?” she asked. Rob licked his lips at her.

“Strip for daddy!” he commanded her. Noiz looked on at him like a submissive little doll. Almost unconsciously, she slowly pulled off her sugar pink silk obi in a sexual way. Rob watched on smiling. His treat disposed of her obi and started on her sugar pink kimono. She began to dance around like a belly dancer some with some luscious hip circles as she slid it off. Rob watched on excited.

“Yes!” he hissed at her. “More!” The sugar pink kimono gracefully hit the floor below. Only thing left was the underwear. Rob watched on waiting. Here came the good part! Noiz still moved her hips in seductive circles as she began unhooking her white lacy bra. Rob licked his lips at her.

“You are so good!” he told her. Noiz winked and blew a kiss at him. She grabbed her cute cotton pink and white panties and yanked them off. The fox rushed forward and embraced his kitty girl tightly. Noiz tried her best not to looked surprised. Rob turned to her with a hungry look in his eyes. He leaned in close to her hot ear.

“You’re such a good girl!” Rob whispered in a naughty way. “How should I have you tonight?” Noiz looked at him slightly desperate.

“Bind me up!” she pleaded. Rob didn’t answer her at all. He forced a kiss onto her lips. The fox pushed her down onto the bed. Noiz watched helplessly. Rob smirked at her wickedly. He began kissing her on the lips. The kitty kissed back. They didn’t stop at all. While they kissed, Rob slowly reached over to their secret drawer and drew it open. He reached inside and pulled out the ropes. The fox tied each of her limbs to their bed. Noiz looked up at him helpless still. Rob pulled away smirking at his work. Now for the feast!

The fox slid himself into her depths. The cat moaned aloud. Rob didn’t stop there. He began pulling in and over of her savagely passionate. The treat moaned out loud happily. Rob kept going faster and faster. Pretty soon, that wasn’t enough anymore. The fox wanted more. But how? Right then, an idea hit him.

Rob bit down deeply into Noiz’s neck. The kitty gasped out in pain and pleasure. The top received a stranger sensation from her reaction. He had to have more. The fox began drinking the kitty’s blood. His love gasped aloud. She had just lost her voice. The pleasure had been that great. Rob smirked at her reaction. “She likes that, huh?” he thought. Rob began drinking harder and faster with each rhythmic thrust. Noiz let her eyes roll back into her head as she shut them.

The banging and blood brought on a taste for more. Rob began literally eating on his treat. Noiz couldn’t even cry out anymore. Her voice was long gone. Rob smiled to himself wickedly. He just loved moments like this. Noiz looked sexy dominant. But, she also looked hot as a submissive as well. Rob felt as if he was playing God with her life. He only hoped that he wouldn’t get too excited and end up killing her. Too bad every night could be like this.

The feast ended with the climax. Rob let go of his meal after he came heavy and hard within his kitty.

“OH YESSSS!!!!” the fox yelled out. He all but collapsed on his kitty. The top looked down at his bottom. She was nearly down now. Rob smiled to himself kindly. His lover would be fine in the morning. He knew; she always was. The fox kissed the cat on the lips.

“Night my love,” he whispered. “Thanks for the meal! I enjoyed it so much!” Then, the fox lied next to her and went to sleep.