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Film Subject #3: Trick

    *Camera on*

    *Bemmer is sleeping on red Italian style couch*

    Sarah: Bemmer. Bemmer. Get up!

    Bem: *Mumbling* Uhh.... Wha?


    *Bemmer looks up*

    Bem: Not again!

    Sarah: I won't burden you.

    Bem: *Sour look on face*

    Sarah: Close your eyes open your mouth.

    Bem: Why?

    Sarah: Just do it.

    Bem: *Crossly* All right.

    *Bemmer closes his eyes and opens his mouth*

    Sarah: All right, here goes.

    *Sarah starts walking closer. But after a few steps, she pauses*

    Sarah: You're peeking!

    Bem: Iie I'm not.

    Sarah: Aw! You can't trust your own friend to do a simple task? That's not fair! Nai peeking!

    *Sarah pauses*

    Sarah: Ick!

    *Bemmer opens his eyes*

    Bem: What's wrong?

    Sarah: It got all of my hands!

    Bem: What did?

    Sarah: The thing I was going to give you. And it's all greasy too.

    *Bemmer gets a sick look on his face*

    Sarah: Moshi-Moshi.

    *Sarah runs off to bathroom*