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Chapter Thirty-Eight: Fire and Ice:

Rob came up with another crazy idea. This took place one Saturday in September. Noiz was making tea in the kitchen for her and him. The mouse stared on lustfully at his girlfriend. Her choice of wardrobe could be the answer. Today, Noiz had on a silk white miniskirt and a matching white strapless corset-like top. Why? The kitty girl wanted to look pretty today. Despite it being a chilly September outside, Noiz looked really hot. Rob stared on intently as she moved. She looked good in anything that she wore. Her clothes today inspired Rob’s crazy idea. The longer he stared the more he couldn’t hold back. It just had to come out, right about… now!

“I want to work at the academy!” the mouse said out loud. Noiz paused and turned around. Shock covered her face like a light veil.

“You what?!?” the cat asked aloud. The mouse shrugged at her lightly.

“Oh come on!” he called out. “I’m good enough to sleep with you! Why can’t I work for you?” Noiz stared on at him blankly.

“Why do you want to work for me?” she challenged. Rob shrugged again.

“Cause,” he said.

“Cause why?” Noiz asked him. Rob sat up boldly.

“Cause,” he started again. “I want to!” Noiz looked on at him slightly concerned.

“Do you have any previous job experience?” she asked. The mouse shook his head.

“Not really,” he replied.

“Are you good with people?” the kitty asked him.

“I’m getting better!” Rob said quickly. Noiz breathed out some. She couldn’t shake him of this notion. Rob really wanted to work at Tokyo-Zion Academy. Sure, she needed more staff for her growing school. The mouse seemed dedicated enough to work for her. But, the cat didn’t want to be accused of nepotism if she hired boyfriend. But yet, Rob did have a bit of a point there. He was good enough to sleep with her. So why not let him work for her? Oh the conflict! Noiz had no choice but to make a compromise. The cat stepped a little closer to him.

“Alright,” Noiz stated boldly. “Prove to me you really want the job!” Rob looked at her slightly confused.

“How?” he asked. Noiz gave him a little smile as she shrugged.

“Anyway possible!” the cat replied. Rob thought about that for a moment. Then, a naughty idea came into his mind. He smiled at her wickedly.

“I have just the way!” he said. Noiz raised an eyebrow at him there.

“Oh really?” she challenged. “How?” Rob leapt forward and pinned Noiz against the counters. The cat looked up at him interested. A little smile came onto her face.

“Go on,” she ordered. “Show me!” Rob smirked at her wickedly.

“Gladly!” he called out. He kissed her right on the lips. Noiz kissed him back. The mouse sat her down on the counter. Rob slipped his tongue into her mouth slowly. His muscle invaded for dominance. The cat gave him her own tongue. They began a hot early autumn battle. It didn’t stop there.

Rob let his hands slide down to Noiz’s skirt. The silk and lace felt so good in his fingertips. He nearly turned all over. The slowly rolled the skirt up to her hips. Noiz trembled happily at his touch. She moaned loudly in his mouth. The mouse grabbed her lacy panties and slid them off as well. Noiz instantly spread he legs for him. Rob smirked to himself boldly. Time to really play now!

Rob undid his jeans. His love waited on happily. The mouse smiled at her wickedly. He kissed her near the ear. Noiz shut her eyes happily. Rob leaned in close to her ear.

“Don’t worry sexy,” he whispered to her. “It’s coming!” The mouse licked the kitty on the ear. Noiz trembled all over happily. She instantly became wet all over at that lick. Rob smiled at her wickedly. He lowered his jeans to his thighs. He did the same with his boxers. Rob’s member was hard and ready to play. He looked hungrily at his mistress. Noiz waited in heightened excitement as she panted wildly at him. Rob smiled at her wickedly again.

“How bad do you want me?” he questioned her. Noiz looked at him really aroused.

“So much I’ll go crazy without you!” the kitty cried out. Rob watched her closely.

“Do you mean it?” he asked.

“Yes!” Noiz cried out loud. “I’ll go mad without you!” The mouse pretended to think about that for a moment. Noiz waited on desperately. Rob looked up at her smiling.

“Good enough!” he replied. Then, he slid himself into her. Noiz moaned out happily. Rob kissed her boldly on the lips. She kissed back. That really heated up everything. The mouse got to work right away. He started off pulling in and out slowly. His girl moaned out happily. She embraced him tightly in her arms.

“HARDER ROBBIE-KUN!!!” the kitty screamed. “HARDER! HARDER!!!” The mouse complied happily. He sped up in seconds. Noiz cried out louder. Rob sped up even more at that sound of her voice. He even began groping her plump breasts in her corset top. Noiz moaned out at his touch.

“DON’T STOP!!!” she screamed out. “MORE!!! I BEG YOU!!! HARDER!!! HARDER!!!” The mouse obeyed happily. The sweat began to form on his brow. The cat licked it off sexually. That drove him to pump even faster and harder! Rob moaned out even louder!

The mouse came hard at the end of the sexy ride.

“AHHH!!! NOIZ-SAMA!!!” Rob screamed. His mistress cried out as well. The mouse didn’t pull out until he got finished. He stood against her panting. Rob looked up at her happily. They panted together in bliss.

“That was…” Rob spoke up.

“…mind-blowing!” Noiz finished.

“Yeah!” her per agreed. A moment of silence passed over them. Rob gave her a little smile.

“So, can I work for you now?” he asked eagerly. Noiz smiled at him boldly there.

“We’ll see,” she replied. “It all depends on your job interview tomorrow!” Rob smiled at her wider.

“Sweet!” the mouse replied. Noiz smiled and kissed back. TZA now might have a new member to its growing family.