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Noiz's Flat

Floor: Cedar

Walls: Pale Green

Living Room:

Crane pictures on the walls
Tamai mats
Wine red floor cushions
Cedar coffee table
White futon couch
Black ceiling fan
White flat screen TV
Little red radio/CD Player
Black nightstands
Little red laptop
Oak bookshelf
Black and gold lamps
Black windows
Black doors


Black and gold counters
Black sink
Black and gold stove
Oak cabinets
Black and gold pantry
Black fringe
Cedar table
Two black iron chairs
Plain glass windows
Black and red hanging lamp


Dragon pictures on the walls


White walls
Black sink
Black tub with a shower with a black and white curtain
Black toilet
Silver mirror
Red and black towels


Pale green closet
Black TV
Normal bed with white silk sheets
Black ceiling
White desk
Black Dell computer
Whiter printer
White scanner
Red and black lamps
Black nightstand
Black windows with red curtains
Black stereo