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    Chapter Two: Forced Arrangement:

    Naoko was taken down to the city jail. The police booked him and continued their questions there. The mouse boy still couldn't understand what was going on. The cops returned to the boy as he sat waiting.

    "State your name, boy."


    "Last name?"

    "I don't have one!" The cops tried not to laugh. Naoko looked at them confused.

    "What's so funny?" The cops looked right at him.

    "That's ridiculous!" The mouse looked at them puzzled.

    "Why is that?"

    "Everyone has a last name!"

    "I don't. I never have."

    "*Smirk* Whatever! Anyway, you have any weapons on you? Guns? Knives? Anything of the sort?"

    "No! I told you, I don't have any weapons or anything on me like that! Look I just wandered into this town. I'm a vagabond!" The police laughed at him.

    "Sure, you are! Why are you here in Neo-Tokyo, anyway?"

    "I just wandered into the city! I've been telling you that this whole time!"

    "Yeah right!"

    "It's true, I swear! I swear!" This argument with the police wasn't getting anywhere at all. Naoko sighed in misery. If only there was some way to...

    Just then, the chief walked into the station. Big man this guy was. He had to be about six feet tall. He had been worn down with age some. Deep brown age spots made his rough big hands look worse. The chief wasn't particularly fat, he just a whole cow's worth of bulk muscle to him. He had to duck into the room to see what the fuss was all about.

    "What the hell is going on here?!?" he boomed in his heavy cannon voice. His monkeys looked up startled right away.

    "We caught this rodent wandering the city without a pass or a doll!" The chief looked on shocked at that testimony. He turned to the young mouse.

    "Is this true?" he asked. The mouse looked on at him confused.

    "I don't really know," Naoko said. "They just arrested me when I was wandering around the city!" The chief walked up to him and stared him down really close. The poor mouse backed up some. The police all studied him closely with the chief. Naoko became really nervous. *Sweat drop on the mouse's head* "What do they want with me?" he thought. The chief stared on still.

    "You checked him for weapons?" he asked.

    "Not yet," one of the cops said. "But we can do that really quickly!"

    "Do that," their boss said. The cops became excited and hurried over to the young mouse. Naoko became really worried. "Oh no!" he thought. The cops handled him rather roughly. Luckily, the chief stood up against this.

    "Easy now!" he commanded. "We don't know if he's a criminal yet!" The cops complied blankly. That only made the mouse boy even more nervous. "They *still* don't believe me?!?" he thought in worry. After what felt like forever, the cops backed off some.

    "He's clean," they announced. The chief's face lightened some. He turned to mouse.

    "What is your name, son?" the main cop asked.

    "N-Naoko!" the mouse boy stammered. A tense quiet moment passed everyone by. Finally, the chief grinned at him.

    "Welcome to Neo-Tokyo, my boy!" he announced. "Sorry for the trouble my team caused you!" The cops and the young vagabond looked at him confused. Why this... sudden change now?

    "Uh..." Naoko said. "What's going on here?" The chief didn't answer him at all.

    "All we just need to do with you is the get your paperwork to stay in the city and find you a doll!" he boomed. Naoko now looked confused and worried. He had planned on any of this at all. Then, it all got bizarre from there.

    As if on cue, the doors blew open wide, letting in a heavy gust of wind. The vagabond and the police looked up. A man was dragging in a pissed off black catgirl into the station. Judging by his fancy black business suit, black tie, and black leather shoes, this man had to be a rich diplomat. Naoko had his attention on the girl. She looked like a black Barbie with black cat ears and a tail. This girl had a nice plump chest, curved hips, small waist, and long slender legs. She did look pretty cute. She was dressed in a fancy red, pink, and black kimono with a black obi. The catgirl was fighting him off hard.

    "Let me go, you bastard!!!" she screamed.

    "Shut you, bitch!" the man snapped. The chief walked over to them.

    "What seems to be the trouble?" he asked. The rich man shoved the girl forward.

    "I'm trading in this bi- doll for another one!" he barked. The cat snapped herself away from the man's grasp. The chief looked at the pair up and down for a moment.

    "And why is that?" he asked. The man snorted.

    "This bitch is just being unruly and defiant!" he reasoned.

    "He hit me!" she wailed. The man turned to the police.

    "I want an exchange, right now!" he said. The chief thought about this for a moment. Then, he smiled as an idea came into his head. He looked at the girl and then at Naoko. The mouse looked at him in slight worry.

    "Uh... sir..." he mumbled. "What are you planning?" The chief grinned at him.

    "Naoko," he announced. "Meet your new doll!" Both cat and mouse looked in shook.

    "WHAT?!?" they yelled. The rich man looked on shocked.

    "B-But, you can't do that!" he shouted. "I just forfeited the rights to her. She hasn't even been free for seventy-two hours!" The chief grinned again.

    "Plenty of time for them to get to know each other," he said. "And besides, you gave up all of the rights to her, remember?" The previous owner went quiet right away. The chief was right about the last part after all. The chief took Naoko's hand and placed it on the girl's hand. He patted both hands proudly.

    "You two are official a pairing! Best of luck to you!" he boomed. Then, the chief let go of their hands and walked to the back with the cops and the previous owner to do the paperwork. Naoko stared on at the girl. She just glared on at him coldly. He felt nervous all over again. So much for a beautiful start...