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*Siren stuffs her face full of food*

*The man sits across from her with a sweat drop on his head*

Man: Wow. You were really hungry, weren't you?

*Siren looks up and keeps eating*

*All eyes are on her in the restaurant*

Man: *Clears his throat* Anyway, how would you like to work for me?

*Siren glances up at him with a puzzled look on her face*

Siren: Why?

*The man shrugs*

Man: You would be the right talent for my work.

Siren: What kind of work?

Man: I work with odd jobs to help my clients get what they want by any means possible.

*Siren narrows her eyes*

Siren: I don't like the way it sounds.

Man: Relax, I do not resort to violence to get the job done.

Siren: Why would you  need me?

Man: Some clients need a little more work. I've had a couple of female employees, but they left because they couldn't hack it.

Siren: Why would I want to work with you?

Man: Plenty of food, pretty clothes, nice things, a permanent place to live, a sweet payment, and you get to be more free.

*Siren does a spit take*

Siren: Me in pretty clothes?

Man: Why not? You've got the body for it.

*Siren snorts*

Siren: Pervert.

Man: No, I just believe in attracting flies with honey.

Siren: You're weird.

*The man puts his finger to her lips*

Man: Try it for a week and see.

*Siren gives him a funny look*

Siren: Who the hell are you?

*The man grins*

Man: Just call me Mike.