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House Run

    A month later, Noiz looked on Yahoo Japan on her laptop. A certain headline caught her eye. She clicked on it right away. The whole article came up on the screen. Noiz read to herself quietly. Her eyes grew big in surprise. "No way!" she thought. The cat turned right around to her lover sitting on the bed.

    "Hey Rob!" she called. "Come look at this!" The mouse looked up from his manga and walked over to the computer.

    "What is it?" he asked.

    "Just look," the kitty replied. The mouse read on quietly. He too looked surprised.

    "The director of the school board is resigning?!?" he asked.

    "Yeah," Noiz replied. "They are looking to elect a new one." They both looked at each other. That only meant one thing. Opportunity just opened itself up to the pair. They both decided to run for board director. The pair looked at each other.

    "Now," Rob spoke up. "We will be civil about this whole thing."

    "Of course!" Noiz called. They both looked back at the screen with plans to run for their campaigns. However, they weren't the only ones to see this article. Artemis found the article on his Mac computer as well. A smile came onto his face. "Finally!" he thought. "A chance to be somebody again!" He too began plotting a way to run for the board director spot. Finally, a chance for revenge against Noiz and Rob.

    The declaration of war started that afternoon in the school cafeteria. Noiz and Rob began plotting their campaigns. They had each detail planned out nicely. However one little block in the road stood in their way. It came along when the pig came into the cafeteria. All of the animals ignored him right away. He looked around at all them smiling.

    "Everyone!" he addressed the public. The animals all ignored him still. That didn't get the pig done today.

    "Fine!" Artemis called out. "Ignore me all you want! But that all will change soon." Noiz raised an eyebrow at him.

    "How? By going all the way to the North Pole and pissing off for good?" she asked out loud. Artemis narrowed his eyes at her.

    "No," he said sharply. "I'm running to be the new school board director!" A lengthy pause of silence filled the air. Everyone laughed at that one afterwards. The pig looked around annoyed-confused.

    "What?!?" he asked aloud. "Don't you think I'm capable to do the job?" The animals laughed even harder.

    "No!!!" they all yelled out together.

    "You can't even run this place right!!!" Noiz called out. "Rob and I are usually the ones in control!" Artemis became offended by that statement.

    "Are you saying that do can do things better than me?!?" he yelled out.

    "Yeah!" Noiz shouted back. "And I'll prove it with this election!" Artemis snorted at that one.

    "Ha!" he yelled out. "You wish!"

    "Want to bet?" Noiz challenged him.

    "Yeah!!!" the pig blurted out. Noiz smirked at him boldly.

    "Fine then!" she called out. "You're on!" They stared each other down for a long time. And so the race for the director's board began. The three parties fought their hardest to win the coveted board director's seat. Noiz and Artemis exchanged ugly attacks against each other. Rob kept neutral sounding yet honest the whole time. But then, a huge problem came in the way of everything.

    It occurred one day while Noiz was finishing up putting up posters in the hall. She was just about to leave when she noticed a light on in the main hallway. Noiz looked on slightly confused. "Hm?" she thought. "Who is here this late at night?" Curious, Noiz followed the light to the staff locker room. The cat found one of the caters, Midori, packing away her things while she sobbed. Concerned, the cat walked into the locker room. Midori looked up and saw her. She blinked back hard tears from her big iris-blue eyes.

    "Oh, Noizchild!" she called. "It's you."

    "Yeah," she replied. "What are you doing here? What's going on?" She looked over Midori's shoulder. Her uniform and things had been packed away into a big plastic container. Noiz looked at her slightly worried.

    "Don't tell me that pig..." she began. Midori nodded at her silently.

    "It's okay though," she said. "He said it was because of the budget. I hated this place anyway. I'll look for another job soon." Noiz shook her head at that one. This problem had to be taken care of right away! Suddenly, an idea came right into the cat's head. She turned to Midori smiling.

    "Unpack!" Noiz commanded. "I will get your job back!" Midori looked at her confused.

    "Why? How?" she asked.

    "Don't ask questions!" Noiz commanded again. "Just leave it to me!" The cat marched right out of the room. Midori looked on confused.

    "Huh?" she asked at the door. What was that kitty up to now? The answer came a week later. The three candidates had their first debate. Minutes before the big showdown, Noiz made a little deal with Artemis. She would drop out of the race and support him if Midori got her job back. The pig unwittingly agreed. He took the bait almost automatically. Debate time showed in boldly in the buff. Noiz made the pig look like the greedy bastard that he was by suggesting that they mow down the forest for more malls and buildings, chuck students with special needs out onto the streets, and cutting arts and music out of schools. The council was not impressed. Rob didn't do so well either. He gave it his all, but the questions were so confusing to him. Despite his efforts, the mouse didn't measure up to their strict standards in the council's eyes. As a result, neither Rob nor Artemis won the nomination. The day of the announcement, Rob sat on the bed looking at Noiz at her laptop in confusion. He just couldn't figure out what happened yesterday. The mouse couldn't hold it back any longer. It just had to come out!

    "Help me understand something, Momo!" he spoke up. Noiz paused and turned around to him.

    "Understand what?" she asked innocently. Rob didn't buy it at all.

    "Why were you kissing the pig's ass yesterday?" he asked bluntly. Noiz stared at him blankly for a moment.

    "Huh?" she asked him. Rob became more agitated.

    "Don't 'huh' me!" he demanded. "You would rather cut off your hands, feet, and cut out your eyes than agree with Artemis in a million years. And then, you drop out of the race and practically kiss up to him during the debate? Come on, I know you! You're up to something!" Noiz looked on at him curious.

    "Okay, out with it!" the mouse demanded. "What elaborate scheme are you cooking up now?" Noiz looked on at him sweetly. Just then, their dorm door burst open wide. The pair looked up to see a red-faced panting Artemis. He looked really upset this time. Noiz looked on at him sweetly.

    "Yes, little piggy?" she asked aloud. Artemis looked at her like Satan.

    "You bitch, you tricked?!?" he screamed out. "I lost because of you!" Noiz smiled at him sweetly.

    "How so, dear Artemis?" she asked in a fake sweet tone. "How ever did I trick you?" Artemis glared at her still.

    "You said that you would support me through the debate!!!" he screamed. "The council said with leaders like me and supports like you, they would rather disband the board than let me run it! I'm ruined!!! I'll never get out of this miserable dump! Oh you bitch, how the hell could you do this to me?!? How?!? How?!? How?!?" Noiz looked at him sweetly still.

    "But dear Artemis," Noiz went on in her still-fake sweetness. "I did support you, just like I said I would!" It took a minute for the pig to realize what she had done to him. Once again, he had been had! The pig went pale and walked away out the doorway in shocked silence. Rob turned right around to her. Noiz grinned on wickedly. Once again, she had won!