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The clock ticked loudly in the background. Rob stared out into space. Paperwork sat on the desk in front of him. He couldn’t focus. The mouse had become a victim of boredom. But he still had to do all of this paperwork. He couldn’t go home otherwise. So what to do? What to do? Rob looked up at the clock again. Drat! One minute past! The mouse sighed out aloud. Why does paperwork have to be so boring? He wished that he could look at something entertaining while he worked. Maybe something to look at…

Just then, the door slid open. Rob quickly jerked his head upwards. Noiz stood in the doorway looking at him. The mouse blushed at her wildly. His kitty looked pretty hot tonight. No Asian attire tonight. Instead a short black skirt, white blouse, and black fishnet stockings. Her bright pink collar with the big bright pink heart charm added to her yummy charm. The moonlight made it too much for him to focus. He tried to anyway.

“Noiz-sama!” the mouse called out. “What are you doing here so late?” Noiz gave him a little shrug.

“Just wrapping up loose ends for the night,” she replied. “You?” Rob trembled and shrugged at his mistress.

“T-The same!” he said quickly. “Just some paperwork I have to do here.” Noiz looked over at his stack.

“How are you coming along?” she asked him. *Sweat drop on Rob’s head*

“Not so good, thank you!” he called out stressed. Noiz giggled at bit at him.

“That bad, huh?” she asked him. Her mouse nodded at her softly. He looked her in desperation.

“Help me!” he pleaded to her. “Please help me before I lose my mind here!” Noiz smiled at him kindly at that little request.

“Sure, sure, you big baby,” she replied. Rob smiled at her in relief.

“Thanks Noiz-sama!” he called out loud. The kitty gave him a little smile as she came around behind him to get a better look at the papers. She leaned in close enough so that her breasts pressed up against his back. Rob blushed harder, but tried his best to keep himself under control. Noiz guided his hand to the paper and read aloud to him each document like a kindergarten teacher to a student. Great way to get work done. If only Noiz didn’t happen to be the AV idol-like star of his wet dreams and look so smoking hot as she always did. Her breasts to his back and her hand on his didn’t help him one single bit. The poor mouse kept fantasizing about her the whole time. She and he had played in a long while. Work had kept them apart for the past few weeks. Maybe it was time to plan another date night…

“Okay!” Noiz called out loud. “We’re done!” Rob snapped out of his little erotic fantasy world and looked up at her.

“Huh?” he asked as he looked down at his paperwork. The kitty was right. They had finished all of the papers in such a short amount of time. Rob looked over each sheet closely. It was true. Cat and mouse had finished the paperwork. The mouse looked around awkwardly.

“Well then,” he said at last. “We’re done for the night.”

“Yeah,” Noiz replied. Silence passed over them for a moment. The kitty stretched out a bit. Rob blushed as the blouse clung to the shape of her breasts as she rose her arms up in the air. She’s just teasing him now! Whether by accident or not, she always messed with his head. Why? Because she was a woman! Women always messed with the head of a man. Accident or on purpose, men always ended up the ones looking like fools because of it. Noiz began to head out of the classroom. She turned back to her favorite pet.

“Hey, I’m going out for a bite to eat tonight,” she told him. “Care to join me?” Rob quickly returned to earth again and shook his head at her.

“Nah,” he replied. “I have to go file this. I’ll catch up with you at home. Maybe we can eat there.” The kitty nodded at him once.

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll see you then.” Then, Noiz headed out the door. Rob watched her leave in silence. The scent of her lingered in the air for a long time. The mouse stared on blankly. He shook his head as he forced himself to come back to earth again. Rob cursed himself softly at his endless tendency to daydream about his mistress too often. He needed to refocus himself again. “Right!” the mouse thought. “Files these papers and go home!” Rob left the classroom with the papers in his hand. He closed and locked the door behind. He forced himself to stay focused the whole walk to the main office. This lack of date and play time was killing so badly. Something had to give and soon. Or else, he would just go mad with desire.