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Diamond Chase
*At CIH Headquarters*

Jun: You called boss?

Yamaguchi: Hai, I have a new mission for you.

Yugo: Okay...

*Yamaguchi pulls down a white screen and turns on the projector with a remote*

Yugo: Very high-tech.

Yamaguchi: We got a call from Hong Michi in Hong Kong this morning. She said the Heart Dream Diamond was stolen.

Jun: So, why didn't she call the police?

Yamaguchi: Let me finish. *Click*

Jun: All right.

Yamaguchi: This is not the only case. *Click*

Yugo: Really?

Yamaguchi: Hai. There have been in New York, Russia, South Africa, and Great Britain. All were element diamonds. Water, air, nature, and fire. *Click* Your mission is to find the crook and retrieve the gems.

*Yamaguchi turns off the projector and turn to the duo*

Yamaguchi: Their next target is Ireland. Here. *Hands Yugo and Jun their passports* These are your passports, use them well. And if you are captured and killed, don't come back, I HATE YOU!!!! Am I clear?

Jun and Yugo: Hai san!

*On the road*

Jun: It says here, that the element diamonds are the rarest and most powerful in the living realm. If all seven gems are in one's hands, all their desires will come true.

Yugo: So who ever stole the other five, wants power.

Jun: Uh-huh.

*Silence in the car*

Jun: Want more on the diamonds?

Yugo: Sure.

Jun: Okay.

*Jun turns the page in her gem book*

Jun: There are seven gems: Fire, air, water, nature, dark, cloud, and heart dream. Each gem has their own power. When placed correctly....

*The car stops*

Jun: Why have we stopped?

Yugo: We're here.

*Jun looked up. She saw the Tokyo International Airport*

Jun: *Sweat drop* Oh.

*In the airport*

Yugo: I'm getting the tickets this time!

Jun: Naze?

*Plus cross appears on Yugo's head as his face turns bright red*

Yugo: Naze?!? Naze?!? YOU DON'T REMEMBER, DON'T YA?!?

*Jun shakes her head*

Yugo: GAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!


*Last mission in Las Vegas*

*Yugo and Jun walk up to the ticket counter*

Jun: Two tickets to Tokyo, dozo.

Worker: Sorry, I'm on my break.

*Plus-cross appears on Jun's head*

*She grabs the worker by his shirt and starts shaking him violently


Worker: All right miss!!!!

*Worker starts throwing several tickets to the ground*

*Huge sweat drop on Yugo's head*

*Thousands people rush to get the tickets off the ground*


Jun: Oh, that.

*Both look around. People were staring at them*

*Yugo falls embrassed*

Jun: Don't worry about him. Too much stress. *Sweat drop*

*Jun pushes Yugo away*

*On the plane*

Jun: When placed correctly, the gems give off a powerful light greater than the sun.

Yugo: Uh-huh.

Jun: And when the light shines on that certain person, they......

*Jun looks up*

*Yugo is asleep*

Jun: Kill joy.

*Jun reads to herself*

*Her eyes get big*

*Ireland, 10:00 a.m.*

Jun: Brrr! It's cold here!!!!

Yugo: Welcome to Ireland, baka!

Jun: But it's March dumass!!!!

Yugo: So?!?

*Laughter is heard*

*Yugo and Jun look up to see two young boys staring at them*

*The boys keep staring*

Jun: Go on get out of here, you brats!!!!

*The boys run off*

*Jun throws a rock the boys*

*They run faster*

Jun: *Snort* I hate kids!

Yugo: Just come on!

*Both walk off*

*Jewel museum 12:07 p.m.*

Tour guide: And this right here.....

Yugo: See anything yet?

Jun: Nai.

*Both keep looking*

*Yugo puts on his computer goggles*

*Jun tries to cat causal*

Yugo: Found something.

Jun: What is it?

*Moves closer*

Yugo: See that gem over to the exit?

Jun: Hai.

Yugo: That's one of the diamonds.

*Jun pulls out her book and quickly reads*

Jun: It's the dark diamond.

Yugo: Uh-huh.

Jun: It's huge!

Yugo: Uh-huh.

*Jun looks up*

Jun: Uh, Yugo.

Yugo: Uh-huh.

Jun: Our crew left us.

*Yugo looks up*

Yugo: Shit!

*Jun and Yugo run to catch up with them*

*Another group passes them*

*One tourist looks like a fifteen-year-old boy but the duo get an icy feeling*

Jun: Ya feel that?

Yugo: Hai. It's coming from that boy.

*Both get a tap on shoulder*

*Both look up, scream, and back up*

*They see a security guard staring at them*

Guard: Is there a problem?

Jun and Yugo: Nai.

*Both start backing away slowly*

Guard: *In his head* Freaks! *Sweat drops*


*The fir alarm goes off*

Guards: Everyone outside!!!!

*People fled in all directions*

Jun: Something doesn't seem right.

Yugo: Naw, ya think!

*Both run out*


Guard: It was a false alarm!!!

*People walk back in grumbling*

*Someone screams*

Guard: What's wrong?!?

Guide: The dark diamond..... IT'S BEEN STOLEN!!!!!!

*Jun and Yugo look up*

*They all find the glass case broken*

*All except Jun and Yugo in shock*

Yugo: Same person.

Jun: Oh yeah!

*On the road*

Yugo: One more to go.

Jun: Uh-huh.


Jun: We need to get them all back before it's too late.

Yugo: What do you mean?

Jun: When the light shines on that certain person, they not only get their desires, but they become evil.

*Car stops*


Jun: I kept getting cut off.

Yugo: Grrr..... Where's the next damn location!!!!!

Jun: *Looks through her computer* I'm looking.

*Data comes up*

Jun: In Poland!

Yugo: Let's go!

*Car goes off fast*

Jun: WHOA!!!!!

*Poland 9:00 p.m.*

*Jun and Yugo are disguised as security guards in a jewel museum*

Jun: See anything yet?

Yugo: Nai.

*Data comes up*

Yugo: Hai.

*Jun rushes to him*

Jun: What do you have?

Yugo: Take a look.

*Jun looks on*

Jun: *Gasp* It's the cloud diamond!

Yugo: Uh-huh.

*Lights go out*

Jun: What happened?

*Both pull out flashlights*

*A shadow is over the diamond*

Jun: You there! Stop!!!

*The shadow starts and runs*

Yugo: Come back here!!!

*The duo chase after him*

*Finally, their crook trips and the beat on him*

*The lights flip on*

Cops: Freeze!!!!

*Jun and Yugo look up*

Jun: We caught the jewel thief.

Cop: Prove it!

*Yugo digs in the pocket and pulls out the other six*

*Cops are stunned*

Cop But who is he?

*The duo gets up*

*It's the boy they saw in Ireland*

*The duo are shocked*


Yugo: Logan's behind bars and the diamonds are returned.

Jun: Yup.

Yugo: Wanna go for some sausage?

Jun: Sure.

*Both leave*
