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Ohayoo and welcome! You have stumbled to the Cat + Mouse! This is Mosh and my specialty page! Finally, something that matches the theme! ^^;

This isn't really what I had in mind, but it'll do `-`. Anyway enjoy yourself here!!!

Guide to the Links:

Scratching Post: My stories that I couldn't fit anywhere else
Litter Box: My Goodreads Page
Yarn: My blog
Sakura Ai Palace: Love shrine to Mosh and I
Toy Mouse: My sad attempts at drawing
Fish Market: My Fish series
Dinner: Description of my flat in London
Outside: Description of my seir's house in Japan
Bed: Description of my house in Japan
Birds: A Christmas and other stories that Rob and I work on
Milk: Glitter Gold novel
Mice: Strange Animal Days series
Condo: My favorite pictures
Bath: Dellford series
Jewel Collars: Tsukiko: City Demon Hunter series
Mouse Wheel: Other stories that I wrote
Back to the World: Back to the Speciality pages


6/14/24: I added chapter twenty-five to "Winter Blossoms".

6/3/24: I added chapter twenty-four to "Winter Blossoms" and fixed the link to the story on the page.

6/1/24: I added chapter twenty-three to "Winter Blossoms".

3/17/24: Happy Saint Paddy's Day! I added chapter twenty-two to "Winter Blossoms".

2/17/24: I added chapter twenty-one to "Winter Blossoms".

11/28/23: I added chapter twenty to "Winter Blossoms".

11/10/23: I added chapter nineteen to "Winter Blossoms".

10/3/23: I added chapter eighteen to "Winter Blossoms".

9/27/23: I added chapter seventeen to "Winter Blossoms".

8/19/23: I added chapter sixteen to "Winter Blossoms".

8/14/23: I added chapter fifteen to "Winter Blossoms".

8/13/23: I added chapter fourteen to "Winter Blossoms".

7/8/23: I added chapter thirteen to "Winter Blossoms".

6/30/23: I added chapter twelve to "Winter Blossoms".

5/25/23: I added chapter eleven to "Winter Blossoms".

5/18/23: I added chapter ten to "Winter Blossoms".

4/11/23: I added chapter nine to "Winter Blossoms".

3/30/23: I added chapter eight to "Winter Blossoms".

2/21/23: I added chapter seven to "Winter Blossoms".

2/15/23: I added chapter six to "Winter Blossoms".

1/5/23: I added chapter five to "Winter Blossoms".

12/29/22: I added chapter four to "Winter Blossoms".

11/17/22: I added chapter three to "Winter Blossoms".

11/16/22: I added chapter two to "Winter Blossoms".

11/15/22: I started "Winter Blossoms".

11/8/22: I finished "Love Puzzle".

10/6/22: I added chapter fifty of "Love Puzzle".

9/24/22: I added chapter forty-nine of "Love Puzzle".

8/18/22: I added chapter forty-eight of "Love Puzzle".

8/8/22: I added chapter forty-seven of "Love Puzzle".

6/15/22: I added chapter forty-six of "Love Puzzle".

4/24/22: I added chapter forty-five of "Love Puzzle".

2/23/22: I added chapter forty-four of "Love Puzzle".

1/10/22: I added chapter forty-three of "Love Puzzle".

1/2/22: I added chapter forty-two of "Love Puzzle".

11/16/21: I added chapter forty-one of "Love Puzzle".

10/24/21: I added chapter forty of "Love Puzzle".

9/26/21: I added chapter thirty-nine of "Love Puzzle".

8/31/21: I added chapter thirty-eight of "Love Puzzle".

8/7/21: I added chapter thirty-seven of "Love Puzzle".

8/6/21: I added chapter thirty-six of "Love Puzzle".

7/17/21: I added chapter thirty-five of "Love Puzzle".

6/21/21: I added chapter thirty-four of "Love Puzzle".

6/20/21: I added chapter thirty-three of "Love Puzzle".

5/30/21: I added chapter thirty-two of "Love Puzzle".

5/9/21: Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! I added chapter thirty-one of "Love Puzzle".

4/20/21: I added chapter thirty of "Love Puzzle".

3/24/21: I added chapter twenty-nine of "Love Puzzle".

2/24/21: I added chapter twenty-eight of "Love Puzzle".

2/3/21: I added chapter twenty-seven of "Love Puzzle".

2/2/21: I added chapter twenty-six of "Love Puzzle".

1/2/21: I added chapter twenty-five of "Love Puzzle".

12/19/20: I added chapter twenty-four of "Love Puzzle".

11/27/20: I added chapter twenty-three of "Love Puzzle".

11/26/20: I added chapter twenty-two of "Love Puzzle".

11/5/20: I added chapter twenty-one of "Love Puzzle".

10/12/20: I added chapter twenty of "Love Puzzle".

9/23/20: I added chapter nineteen of "Love Puzzle".

8/23/20: I added chapter eighteen of "Love Puzzle".

8/14/20: I added chapter seventeen of "Love Puzzle".

7/14/20: I added chapter sixteen of "Love Puzzle".

7/4/20: Happy Independence Day, America! I know you didn't do much considering our current circumstances. I didn't do much but I did cook dinner for the family. Anyway, I added chapter fifteen of "Love Puzzle".

5/23/20: I added chapter fourteen of "Love Puzzle".

4/8/20: I added chapter thirteen of "Love Puzzle".

3/3/20: Happy birthday to the staff and me! I had a good day today. I added chapter twelve of "Love Puzzle".

1/29/20: I added chapter eleven of "Love Puzzle".

12/28/19: I added chapter ten of "Love Puzzle".

12/27/19: I added chapter nine of "Love Puzzle".

11/12/19: I added chapter eight of "Love Puzzle".

10/6/19: I added chapter seven of "Love Puzzle".

8/30/19: I added chapter six of "Love Puzzle".

7/18/19: I added chapter five of "Love Puzzle".

6/5/19: I added chapter four of "Love Puzzle".

4/30/19: I added chapter three of "Love Puzzle".

3/21/19: I added chapter two of "Love Puzzle".

2/26/19: I started "Love Puzzle".

2/11/19: I finished "Catching the Moon".

1/5/19: I added a new chapter to "Catching the Moon".

11/28/18: I added a new chapter to "Catching the Moon".

11/27/18: I added a new chapter to "Catching the Moon".

11/26/18: I added a new chapter to "Catching the Moon".

11/25/18: I added a new chapter to "Catching the Moon".

11/24/18: I added a new chapter to "Catching the Moon".

11/23/18: I added a new chapter to "Catching the Moon".

10/11/18: I added a new chapter to "Catching the Moon".

10/10/18: I added "Catching the Moon" to the scratching post.

9/1/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

8/31/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

7/19/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

7/18/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

7/17/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

6/5/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

6/4/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

4/21/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

3/15/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

3/14/18: Happy White Day everyone! I hope you had a good day. I added another story to the scratching post.

3/13/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

2/7/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

1/14/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

1/13/18: I added another story to the scratching post.

1/12/18: I finished "Strange Animal Days". It's over, people. The mice are all in at last. Onto the next project.

1/11/18: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

1/10/18: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

1/9/18: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

1/8/18: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

11/21/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

11/19/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

11/18/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

11/17/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

11/16/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

11/15/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

11/14/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

11/13/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

10/7/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

10/6/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

10/5/17: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

10/4/17: I added new chapters to "Strange Animal Days".

10/2/17: I fished the Fish Market and fixed the condo.

10/1/17: I added a new chapter to the Fish Market, changed the yarn, and fixed the bath.

8/24/17: I added a new chapter to the Fish Market and fixed the milk.

8/23/17: I added a new chapter to the Fish Market and fixed the Mouse Wheel section.

8/22/17: I added a new chapter to the Fish Market and fixed the music in it.

8/21/17: I added a new chapter to the Fish Market, fixed the pictures to the front page, music, and link to the yarn. I don't have the right link the litter box yet. Please give me time there.

4/23/17: I finished the milk, AKA, Glitter Gold, at last! Now what's next?

4/22/17: I have added chapter forty to the milk.

3/22/17: I have added chapter thirty-nine to the milk.

3/21/17: I have added chapter thirty-eight to the milk.

2/11/17: I have added chapter thirty-seven to the milk.

1/9/17: I have added chapter thirty-six to the milk.

11/25/16: I have added chapter thirty-five to the milk.

10/14/16: I finished "Film Project".

9/10/16: I added chapter three to "Film Project".

8/2/16: I added chapter two to "Film Project".

4/25/16: I finished "The Jetty".

3/25/16: I added chapter fourteen to "The Jetty."

1/15/16: I added chapter thirteen to "The Jetty."

12/10/15: I added chapter twelve to "The Jetty."

12/9/15: I added chapter eleven to "The Jetty."

8/17/15: I added chapter ten to "The Jetty."

3/20/15: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days."

3/19/15: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days."

3/15/15: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days."

3/3/15: Happy birthday to me! I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days."

2/28/15: I added chapter nine to "The Jetty."

2/12/15: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days."

2/6/15: I added chapter eight to "The Jetty."

1/27/15: I added chapter seven to "The Jetty."

1/25/15: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days."

1/15/15: I added chapter six to "The Jetty."

12/24/14: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days."

10/6/14: "Sleeper" is no longer available in the sratching post because it is now officially published. The link to the Kindle edition can be found on the "Bragging Rights" section on the main page. Plus, I added chapter five to "The Jetty."

9/11/14: I added chapter four to "The Jetty."

8/28/14: I added chapter three to "The Jetty."

3/22/14: I added chapter two to "The Jetty."

2/6/14: I have added chapter thirty-four to the milk.

10/14/13: I added a new chapter to "Strange Animal Days."

10/1/13: I finished "Toto."

8/26/13: I have added chapter thirty-three to the milk.

8/12/13: I have added chapter thirty-two to the milk.

5/31/13: I have added chapter eleven to "Toto."

3/30/13: I have added chapter thirty-one to the milk.

2/18/13: I have added chapter ten to "Toto."

2/17/13: I have added chapter nine to "Toto."

2/16/13: I have added chapter eight to "Toto."

2/15/13: I have added chapter seven to "Toto."

10/13/12: I have added chapter six to "Toto."

10/9/12: I have added chapter thirty to the milk.

9/10/12: I have added chapter five to "Toto."

7/16/12: I have added chapter four to "Toto."

6/15/12: I have added chapter three to "Toto."

6/7/12: I have added chapter two to "Toto."

4/21/12: I have added chapter twenty-nine to the milk.

2/17/12: I have added chapter twenty-eight to the milk.

2/1/12: I have added chapter twenty-seven to the milk.

12/31/11: Happy New Year's everyone! I have added chapter twenty-six to the milk.

8/29/11: I have added chapter twenty-five to the milk.

8/28/11: I have finished "Sleeper."

6/5/11: I have added chapter twenty-four to the milk.

6/4/11: I have added chapter twenty-three to the milk.

2/28/11: I have added chapter twenty-two to the milk.

1/8/11: I have added chapter ten to "Sleeper."

11/4/10: I have added chapter nine to "Sleeper."

9/15/10: I have added chapter twenty-one to the milk.

7/30/10: I have added chapter twenty to the milk.

6/4/10: I have added chapter nineteen to the milk.

6/3/10: I have added chapter eighteen to the milk.

6/2/10: I have added chapter seventeen to the milk.

6/1/10: I have added chapter sixteen to the milk.

5/31/10: Happy Memorial Day everyone. I have added chapter fifteen to the milk.

5/30/10: I have added chapter fourteen to the milk.

5/1/10: I have added chapter thirteen to the milk.

4/30/10: I have added chapter twelve to the milk.

4/8/10: I have added chapter eleven to the milk.

4/2/10: I have added chapter eight to "Sleeper."

3/13/10: I have added chapter ten to the milk.

3/12/10: I have added chapter nine to the milk.

3/11/10: I have added chapter eight to the milk.

3/10/10: I have added chapter seven to the milk.

2/14/10: Happy Valentine's Day! I have added chapter six to the milk.

2/13/10: I have added chapter five to the milk.

2/12/10: I have added chapter four to the milk.

2/1/10: I have added chapter seven to "Sleeper."

1/28/10: I have added chapter three to the milk.

1/27/10: I have added chapter two to the milk.

1/9/10: I have added the milk.

1/5/10: I have added chapter six to "Sleeper."

1/2/10: I have added chapter five to "Sleeper."

12/27/09: I finished "Taurus."

12/10/09: I have added chapter four to "Sleeper."

11/24/09: I have added the second part to "Taurus."

11/13/09: I have added chapter three to "Sleeper."

11/3/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

11/2/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

10/21/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

10/20/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

10/19/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

10/14/09: I have added chapter two to "Sleeper."

10/6/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

10/5/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

10/4/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

8/12/09: I have started the story, "Sleeper."

8/11/09: I have started series three of "Strange Animal Days."

8/10/09: I have finished series two of "Strange Animal Days."

6/23/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

6/22/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

6/2/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

5/14/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

5/13/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

5/12/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

4/26/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

4/25/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

4/24/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

3/23/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

3/21/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

2/20/09: I have added the first part to "Taurus."

2/5/09: I have started series two of "Strange Animal Days."

1/29/09: I have finished series one of "Strange Animal Days."

1/28/09: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

12/31/08: I have linked up the last "Strange Animal Days" chap to the list. My bad. =^-^=()

12/21/08: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

12/15/08: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

12/12/08: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

10/8/08: I have finished "I Wish You Were Here."

10/4/08: I have added another chap to "I Wish You Were Here."

9/27/08: I have added another chap to "I Wish You Were Here."

9/18/08: I have added another chap to "I Wish You Were Here," the list for Strange Animal Days, and some pictures.

8/24/08: I have added another chap to "I Wish You Were Here," added color to some of the scroll bars, and fixed a couple of backgrounds.

8/15/08: I have added another title to the scratching post.

8/13/08: I have added another chap to "I Wish You Were Here" and fixed up the previous chap.

8/1/08: I have added another chap to "I Wish You Were Here."

12/1/07: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

11/6/07: I have added another scratch to the scratching post.

10/31/07: I have added another chap to "Strange Animal Days."

10/19/07: I changed and added another scratch to the scratching post.

10/17/07: I have linked the mouse wheel back to the house base.

9/20/07: I have added another title to the scratching post.

8/31/07: I have added more titles to the scratching post.

8/16/07: I have added the mouse wheel.

8/8/07: I have added more pics to my gallery.

8/2/07: I have added another title to the scratching post.

7/20/07: I have added chapter another to Strange Animal Days.

6/26/07: I have added chapter another to Strange Animal Days.

6/14/07: I have added the background to the latest Strange Animal Days chap.

6/12/07: I have added more title to Dellford and another chapter to Strange Animal Days.

6/2/07: I have added two more pics.

5/29/07: I have added chapter three to Strange Animal Days.

5/21/07: I have changed the section's name to Cat + Mouse.

5/5/07: I have added a new item to the navigation.

5/1/07: I have added another title.

3/30/07: I have added the second chapter to "I Wish You Were Here."

3/27/07: I have added the story, "I Wish You Were Here."

3/4/07: I have added another title to scratching post.

2/22/07: I have added the prologue to the story "Taurus" and my RPG group to the scratching post.

2/12/07: I have added another title.

12/22/06: I have added more pics.

12/21/06: I have added the last chapter to "Mind Era" and more pictures.

12/20/06: I have added chapter ten to "Mind Era."

12/18/06: I have added chapter nine to "Mind Era."

12/16/06: I have added chapter eight to "Mind Era."

12/14/06: I have added chapter seven to "Mind Era."

12/11/06: I have added chapter six to "Mind Era."

12/9/06: I have added chapter five to "Mind Era" and a new pic to my gallery.

12/8/06: I have added chapter four to "Mind Era."

12/6/06: I have added chapter three to "Mind Era."

12/5/06: I have added my office to the Sakura Ai Palace and chapter two to "Mind Era."

12/4/06: I have added the first chapter to the novel "Mind Era."

12/1/06: 24 more days until Christmas. I decided to change up my Japanese House some.

11/23/06: Happy Thanksgiving all! I have added a new title to the scratching post.

11/16/06: Due to the drop box not working in the old layout, I switched layouts. I also changed the back links, added the background to Dellford, and changed the link to my blog.

10/27/06: I have added more pics.

10/23/06: I have added the bath and more titles.

10/21/06: I have added another title to the scratching post.

10/17/06: I have added another pic to my sketch book.

10/8/06: I have added more music.

9/24/06: I have added another chapter to "Strange Animal Days".

8/21/06: I have added another picture to the condo.

8/20/06: I have fixed the music on a few pages. The mice are also here now.

8/17/06: I have added another inch to my scratching post and I have fixed a link.

8/16/06: I have added my favorite pictures.

8/14/06: I have added yet another option to the menu.

8/9/06: I have added another chapter to the Fish series.

8/2/06: I have updated my scratching post. I have another real mice. I have also fixed the Toy Mouse's scroll bar color and added music. I even went as far as to add music to the dinner, bed, and outside.

7/28/06: I have made the first scratch in my scratching post and the outside is now free. I also switch around the bed and dinner up.

7/25/06: I have added another option.

7/23/06: I have put up my sketch book and three more options.

7/20/06: Lotus Kingdom is up but not finished. Chapters three and four of Fish is up. And I have added my scratching post.

7/12/06: Chapters one and two are up for Fish series.

7/7/06: I am currently working on the first chapter of the Fish series.


Creative Writing

Kitty Box by Noizchild
Layout by Damaged Inn

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