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    Darkness with no soul.

    Karasu watched them leave their neighborhood through the water. A fire flickered up in his eyes. Those that say that he has no emotion would be dead wrong until they looked deep into those coal-colored eyes.

    "She moves again," he said to himself. Time to hunt her again. But, she's not alone in this round. Yes, she had picked up two companions. Children to be frank. That's so unlike you Kasumi-chan, he thought of his sake. I thought you wanted to be alone. He knew because he made her that way.

    Why does he do this sort of thing? Let's back up a bit, shall we?

    Kasumi was a young girl at the time. He still had some good to him. The latter knew that that was already heading out the window with his own ambition. But, he didn't expect his own corruption to find a way to spill into her in ways neither one really thought through.

    She came to him first. She made the bargain and that's what really set them on their path. He, of course, wasn't really interested. What would he want with a "little girl" anyway? But then, she had to go and raise the steaks.

    He remembered her from those days well. Kasumi looked like a tiny baby doll with her midnight blue hair spilling down to her waist. Her head came up to neatly to his chest. Her red eyes looked so sad, however. Maybe because her parents died when she was small and had to live with Karasu and her uncle at the time. Oh right, "Karasu" wasn't his name then either. No, he had another name at the time. What was it, he could not recall.

    But, back to young Kasumi.

    Pale, creamy white skin. Equally pale, baby soft thighs. Small, developing breasts. He wanted the sound of her voice screaming out for him. She had her own corruption buried within that child-like mask she wrote around her uncle and him. No, corruption didn't fit her then. Desperation was the better word choice. Desperation become a strong fighter led her down to her own corruption. Just like his own ambition led him to his own corruption.

    The only difference: she walked back onto the righteous path while his corruption consumed him whole.

    So now, they play this violent game to bring one of their paths to a blood-soaked end. Looks like it's his turn now.

Chapter Nine: Karasu and Kasumi's Corruption Dance