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Kitten Heels

*Siren and Masashi head back to the hotel room*

*He unlocks the door*

*She nibbles on his ear*

*Masashi chuckles and shoves her off*

Masashi: Stop.

*Siren smiles*

*He pushes the door open*

*The room is all gold and white. The curtains are drawn closed*

*Siren smirked at the gold walls*

Siren: Nice.

Masashi: You think so?

*Siren smiled and kissed him on the lips*

*His cheeks turned bright red*

*She pulled him over to the bed*

* He lands on his back*

*Siren climbs on, smiling*

*He stares at her with big eyes*

*She raises her eyebrow at him*

Siren: Aw, what's the matter?

Masashi: N-N-Nothing.

Siren: Oh. Are you a virgin?

*His face turned bright red*

Siren: I see. This should be more interesting. Tell you what.

*She unzips her dress*

*Masashi's face turned even redder*

Siren: We'll take this slow, okay? Nod once for yes.

*He nods once*

Siren: Good.

*Takes off her dress and leans down for a kiss*

*Masashi reluctantly kisses her back. He grabs her on the ass*

Siren: Whoa! Easy there, tiger. We've just gotten started.

*He looks up at her with big puppy dog eyes*

Masashi: Please... Give it to me. Please!

*Siren gently put her finger to his lips*

Siren: I will. I will, my dear.

*She leaned down and kissed him again on the lips*

*He kissed her back, excited*

To Be Continued...