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Chapter Six: Lesson One:

Noiz eyed her prize with intent. She came out from behind her desk.

“Now,” she said. “As you are aware, there are repercussions to our actions. Am I right?” Mosh looked at her with big, nervous eyes.

“Uh… well…” he began to say.

“No,” the teacher cut in. “Yes or no answer, please.” Mosh closed his mouth for a moment.

“Yes,” he replied, reluctantly.

“Very good,” the teacher replied. “And with repercussions, there comes discipline, am I right?” Mosh swallowed hard.

“Yes!” he yelped. Noiz raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yes what?”

Mosh swallowed hard. “Yes sensei.” Noiz smiled at him, wickedly. She walked over to his desk and sat down in front of him. The mouse’s cheeks fired red as he realized just how close she was to him. He tried to look away. Noiz took him by the cheeks and turned him to face her. She leaned in really close.

“Your actions needed to be punished,” she said in a husky, seductive tone. Mosh couldn’t seem to move his off of her. His mind even got in on the act.

“W-What is my penance, sensei?” he asked. Noiz leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. Mosh could feel his heart racing. It didn’t take him long to fold under her and kiss back. Noiz slowly began unbuttoning his jacket. She pulled him from his seat and pressed him up against the wall. Mosh trembled at such aggression. She knows what she wants tonight, doesn’t she?

Noiz slid her hands under his shirt. The mouse trembled at her touch. He slowly slipped his tongue into her mouth. Noiz moaned aloud as she trembled at such movement. Her hands slid down to his trousers. The sensei took her sweet time unfastening and unzipping them. His arousal woke up at her touch. Noiz broke off the kiss and giggled.

“Someone’s really happy for this!” she said. Mosh blushed at her again.

“I-Is that bad?” he stammered out. Noiz smiled and shook her head.

“Aw,” she said. “Come here.” She slid his trousers to his ankles and sank down onto her knees. Mosh let his ears trail downwards towards her. Noiz slowly slid down his boxers to his ankles as well. She slowly took his member into his mouth. Mosh froze up with heat in his body. His teacher began sucking on him. The mouse began breathing heavily and shut his eyes. Noiz started off slow, of course. She wanted to set him up for tonight’s lesson.

“Oh!” Mosh murmured. Noiz slowly sped up with her mouth. She playfully licked along the hard skin in her mouth. The mouse laced his fingers into her hair.

“Oh wow!” the student moaned. “Y-You’re so good, Noiz-sama! The kitty sped up even more in response. She even began rubbing on his thighs to add onto the affect. Mosh closed his eyes and threw back his head, panting. He even began playfully tugging at her hair. The kitty moaned in pain and pleasure around him. She sucked and licked on him even more. He tastes divine! The kitty moved as fast as she could with her mouth.

Mosh broke down trembling. “I-I-I can’t hold it anymore!” he cried. He came with a wild rush.

“Oh, Noiz-sama!” he moaned. The teacher let go of him and sat back on his knees. She swallowed up the product of her night treat. Mosh waited with a racing heart in silence. Noiz smiled as she licked her lips.

“Yummy!” she cheered. Mosh looked at her in slight surprise.

“You mean it?” he asked. Noiz nodded him, happily.

“Yep!” she cheered. Mosh blushed as he looked away with his eyes. Silence walked by them causally. The student blinked at his teacher.

“What does this mean now?” he asked. Noiz turned her eyes his way with a naughty little smirk.

“That’s up to you, baby!” she told him in a matching tone. Mosh stared at her with big eyes. Something told him that she wasn’t different with him yet! Boy, was he right!