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*Siren smirked*

*She took him by the hand*

Siren: He's going to be my daddy.

*Ito-san whipped his head around to her*

Ito-san: Pardon?

*She wraps her arms around him*

Siren: That's right. We have begun our arrangement.

*Olivia puts her hands on her hips*

Olivia: Is that right?

Siren: Uh-huh.

Olivia: Funny, you just met him.

Siren: Yeah? So did you.

*She makes a face at her*

Siren: Don't tell me that you were going to make a move on him too.

*Olivia clicked her tongue*

Olivia: I would do no such thing.

*Siren raised her eyebrow*

Siren: You sure about that? What about Jack? How did that work out for you?"

*Olivia gritted her teeth*

Olivia: That is none of your business!

*Siren tried not to laugh*

Siren: Aw, it didn't work out?

*Olivia growls but then calms down*

*She clears her throat*

Olivia: That's all in the past now.

*She cuts Siren a cold glare*

Olivia: The question is what are you up to?

Siren: *Smiles* Companionship.

*Ito-san chuckles to himself*

*The nurses turn to the old man*

Siren: What?

Ito-san: Two lovely ladies hitting on me. This must be my lucky night. Don't worry ladies, there is plenty of me to go.

*Olivia cringes but Siren smiles to herself*

*Siren pushes off her mark's hands off of her ass and breasts*


-Outside of the hospital-

*Siren pulls out her phone and dials up the number*

Siren: Hello, it's me. I'm in.

Mike: *On the other line* Good. I will have the car sent around to you.

Siren: Okay.

*She hangs up and cringes*

Siren: And I have to keep doing this too? Mike, you owe me, damn it!

*She clenched her fists at her sides*

The End