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Locked Flower


I think I was about twelve when this happened.

There is one day of the week where I lock myself into a room a meditate. This would be the whole day, mind you. No entertainment or food is allowed through the door. In fact, I have to keep my room locked and closed. Mother Hoa insisted that this had to be done as part of training. Being a twelve-year-girl, I didn’t really see the part. Still, I had to go along with it.

I sat on the floor once the door closed. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander into itself. At first, I couldn’t see anything. Mother Hoa insisted that these time of things take time. I had no idea how long that would be for me. Nevertheless, I try it anyway.

To my surprise, I stuck with it. In the middle, my heart began to jump. My mind’s eye saw something small and white in the distance. Naturally, I had to “run” towards it. That light would get further and further away from me. I cried out to it, but it would not slow down. My little body couldn’t keep up with it.

“Come back here!” I wanted to shout. I jumped forward and grabbed that light. A small explosion ran through my hand and down my arm. My eyes filled with stars. Bright colors danced around me. I could hear singing. Though, I couldn’t identify the voice, it felt so warm. The colors above my head began to explode. I looked around, only to be caught up in the blasts myself. My little feet could barely touch the empty ground. I looked up and saw something swirling. That swirling thing seemed to draw me closer to a wider opening. My body broke into little pieces before coming back together.

Then I heard a voice.

I wasn’t sure what it said, but I had a feeling that I needed to go to it. A giant, invisible hand grabbed me and dragged me further through the hole. It started out slow and then I started sailing faster and faster. I found myself screaming so loud that my lungs began to ache. My body broke into little particles as I flew higher. There was another bright light and then…


When I opened my eyes, it was six in the morning. I collapsed on the floor, panting. I never could return to that place in meditation ever again. I stopped trying once I started working for the academy. Still, I just can’t help but wonder…

Open to the World

Ruby, Ingrid, and Jasper's 70-80's rook tribute.