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Chapter Six: Lollipop Girl:

The rest of the day went along rather nicely. Kohana observed Louise’s class today. The mousegirl seemed to be in a happy mood today. The staff just couldn’t help but notice. Louise pulled the young intern aside for a moment during lunch break.

“Yes?” Kohana asked the sensei as she began unpacking her lunch. Louise looked at her causally.

“Did anything good happen last night?” she asked. Kohana felt warm all over at that question. She began to lightly blush.

“Yes,” the mousegirl replied. Louise perked up at that one. Now, she was really interested. The woman leaned in close to the mouse.

“Well, go on, spill it!” she called out. “What happened last night?” Kohana already decided to not tell anybody about her and Noiz until Noiz gave her a straight answer. The mousegirl shook her head at Louise.

“I can’t tell just yet,” she replied. However, her face did all of the talking. Louise saw part of the answer in her eyes. A huge grin came across the older woman’s face.

“Oh!!!!” Louise called out loud. “You have a lover now! You even got some last night!” Kohana looked up at her worried. “Oh no!” she thought. “Did I really give it away? Was I that obvious?” Louise leaned in closer to the mouse. Kohana slowly pulled away embarrassed.

“Okay,” Louise pushed on. “Spill it! Who’s the lucky bastard?” The mousegirl quickly panicked.

“No, no!” she cried out. “There is no one! I’m not seeing anybody!”

“Oh come on!” Louise said out loud. “It’s written all over your face.” Kohana shook her head quickly.

“Trust me!” she cried out. “There is no one! I swear! I’m not seeing anyone!”

“I don’t believe you,” Lou went on. “Come on, spill it! Who were you with last night?” The poor mousegirl found herself in a deep trap that she couldn’t get out of. If only there could be some way to…

Right then, the bell rang to begin class again. The students all came back inside. Kohana believed out in relief. Saved by the bell. Louise looked on at her sharply.

“To be continued,” she warned Kohana. The poor mouse looked on at her worried. She decided to try and avoid Louse whenever it became possible. The rest of the day went on smooth sailing. As everyone packed up for the day, Noiz approached Kohana just like last night. The kitty came up behind the mouse and grabbed her by the waist. The mousegirl turned bright red by such a sudden movement. She could barely speak at all.

“Oh! N-Noiz-sama!” she stammered out. “W-What are you doing?”

“Shhh!” the cat whispered to her softly. “Just don’t look back or talk.” Kohana wanted to ask why, but her tongue wouldn’t let her. So, she just did as the nice kitty said. Noiz snuggled up close to the mousegirl purring. Kohana moved her eyes to the ceiling with a bright red face. “Oh crap!” she thought. “Now what do I do?” Noiz gently nibbled Kohana on the ear lobe. The mousegirl tried her best to stay calm. But that proved to be next to impossible. Her heart felt as if it would burst out of her chest at any second now. Noiz wasn’t really helping the situation herself either. She leaned in closer to the mousegirl’s burning ear.

“I want to take you away somewhere tonight,” the kitty whispered provocatively to her. “I want to take you away with me until morning.” Kohana tightly shut her eyes to block out any perverted thoughts from her angelic innocent mind. She panted harder and harder. Noiz’s hot breath on her skin only made matters worse. But, the additional weight on the cracking thin ice coming up made things even tenser.

Noiz slowly began moving her hands upwards. Kohana almost held her breath at such change in seductive tactics. “Now what’s she doing?” she thought in a panic. The kitty’s hands made their way to the other girl’s full well-rounded chests. She gently began to fondle on them. The hairs on Kohana’s nape stood straight up. Her breath became heavier and heavier. The poor girl became softly whimpering at Noiz’s touch. She shut her eyes even tighter. The mousegirl even felt herself getting wet down below in her soft cotton panties. Oh this situation had just escalated from bad to worse. Kohana slowly parted her lips to try and speak. The kitty rubbed and snuggled even more.

“Shhh!”she whispered again. “Don’t talk. You’ll ruin the mood.” Kohana softly closed her mouth again and took the intense pressure. This heavy balloon called passion had blown up big past its limit. Noiz clinging onto her tightly, breathing on her flesh, fondling on her breasts, and the scent of her drove the mouse of out her mind. The ice had so many cracks in it that one more ounce could cause the whole thing break at any time. Something had to give. Something had to give now. Noiz made the whole time shatter. She leaned in closer to her prey’s burning ear one more.

“You want me tonight, don’t you?” she asked. Kohana froze up as her eyes shot open wide. That did it! Kohana just couldn’t take it anymore. Noiz had completely got inside her mind and is playing her like a keyboard. The cat had just opened the door for the trap. Noiz had just led her right inside. No turning back now. All poor Kohana could do was walk right into the trap and fall in. The mousegirl parted her lips again to speak.

“Shhh!” Noiz whispered again. “Don’t talk. Just nod or shake your head.” Kohana closed her mouth once again. She slowly nodded her head. Noiz smirked to herself wickedly. The cat softly licked the girl’s ear lobe. Kohana really froze up now. She couldn’t do anything at all. The mousegirl had taken one more step closer into the trap. Noiz led her in closer and closer. Just one more step… Noiz leaned in so close that her lips touched her ear lobe now.

“Meet me in the hotel in South Tokyo tonight,” the kitty whispered to her. “I’ll be waiting.” Then, she licked Kohana on the ear before letting her go. The intern just stood there in complete silence as she heard the footsteps walk away. She trembled all over as she heard the door slam shut behind Noiz. Game over! The cat had led the mouse into the sexy trap and the mouse just fell in. Only one thing left to do now. Kohana slowly returned to Earth and followed after her mistress for another hot night in another hotel.