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    Chapter Six: Lost First Love:

    Pandora took a long look at her new owner. Now that she thought about it, Naoko did look kind of cute. He was a charming-looking mouse. Short blonde-brown hair, nice blue eyes, nice muscle to his body, and a strong type of kindness to him. He seemed so innocent as well. A hidden little smile came onto her face. Fond memories invaded her brain. Naoko reminded her of her first owner way back then. Such beautiful times then.

    *Five Years Ago*

    Times weren't as controlling then. Men and women stayed together out of love. There were no laws forcing them to stay together. Men and women stayed together because they wanted to. Pandora was happier than. Her first "owner" was named Koto. Such a charming boy. He was just so good to her. They met at the "market." Koto was with his father picking out brides for him to marry one day. Pandora was just one of the girls put on the block. She had no choice but to be here. Her mother had just died weeks ago. Her father didn't want to claim her. Pandora had no other relatives. The officials decided that she was too young for prostitution. So, they suggested that she get married. Pandora was raised to be independent by her mother. She pretty much didn't like the idea of marriage right off the bat. The officials reassured her it would be okay.

    "This will only be temporary," the officials told her. "Just until you are financially secure enough to live on your own. So please bear with it." Pandora agreed begrudgingly.

    "Fine!" she hissed. "I'll do it!"

    "Good girl," the officials told her. "You'll make it through this." Pandora just sneered at that one. Thus, her being at the brides' market. Pandora looked around at all of the hopeful bachelors. None of them appealed to her. They all just looked the same to her. She just hoped she wouldn't end up marrying some icky old pervert. That's when she saw him. Koto looked like an angel from a distance. Short dark black hair, slender yet muscled body, lovely olive tan skin. Pandora had to blink to see if she was dreaming. Nope! This boy was real. Suddenly, getting married didn't seem like a bad idea. Pandora straightened herself up some. Now how to get him to notice her? Patience played key for this part.

    In a few hours, Koto came close to Pandora. The kitty watched the human boy in excitement. She just had to call his attention before he moved away. Koto meanwhile looked around in boredom. None of these girls appealed to him. In fact, he didn't see the point in getting married at sixteen. He just wanted to live a normal life. But, no! His father insisted that they get married.

    "A wife will bring this family status!" he kept drumming into the boy's head. Koto didn't think so. He believed that marriage should be for love, not financial gain. That's when he met Pandora. Koto was just looking around when he heard a low whistle. The boy slowly looked up. Pandora stood before him in all of her lovely glory. Today, she had on a black and red kimono dress. The kitty had on a red silk collar around her next. Her short black hair was pinned up with little red flowers. Koto looked her up and down with slight interest. This was the first time he had seen a catgirl in person. He blinked at her for a moment.

    "Me?" he mouthed at her. Pandora nodded at him. She motioned him over to her. The boy looked at his father at first. He was still looking at other brides. Koto quickly crept away from his old man to the alluring kitty girl before him.

    "Yes?" he asked. Pandora gave him a kind little smile.

    "Marry me!" she said quickly. Koto looked at her confused.

    "Why?" he asked.

    "Think about it," the girl said. "I can tell you don't want to do this. You and I don't want this. However, I'm judging that your dad won't stop nagging you about getting married and I have nowhere else to go. So if we just married..." Koto figured it all out right away.

    "Then we would be helping each other out!" he finished. Pandora nodded.

    "Exactly!" she said. "So what do you say?" The boy thought about it for a moment. Pandora waited anxiously. "Come on," she thought. "Please say yes! Please say yes!" Koto finally smiled at her.

    "Alright, I'll marry you," he said. Pandora tried her best to keep down her excitement.

    "I thank you, uh..." she said. The boy gave her a kind smile.

    "Koto," he said. "My name is Koto."  He turned to his father.

    "Dad, I found the bride that I wanted!" the boy announced.  His father came over to Pandora.  He looked her up and down and didn't approve. However, Koto didn't give up. After a few minutes of arguing, the son won out. Pandora and Koto left the bride market engaged to marry.

    Now. an engagement takes about two years before the couple can officially marry. However, they can live together on their own. Koto's father bought the new betrothed couple an apartment near the beach. He begrudgingly gave them his blessing. Pandora and Koto grew close and fell in love within one year's time. The couple decided that they would stay virgins until they actually got married. They were so happy together. But then, it all started to fall to pieces.

    In the next year, Koto's mother died. This rocked him to his very core. The boy used to be so close to his mother before he was forced to live with his father in Neo-Tokyo for a better life. Koto fell into a deep depression because of her death. Pandora tried her best to help him out of it. She made him his favorite food, told him funny stories, tried to get him out of the apartment, and any and everything else she could think of. Nothing worked at all. The poor girl didn't know what to do. She only hoped that Koto would get better soon.

    Then one day, a few days before they were to marry, Pandora went out to buy her and her soon-to-be husband some dinner. She had only been gone for an hour. When she came back, the apartment was dead quiet. Sure it had been quiet lately, but this was worse than the other times. Pandora began to fear the worst. Something was not right.

    "Koto? Baby?" she called. No answer. The kitty began to fear the worst. She ran to their bedroom. Horror and sorrow washed all over her face. Pandora found her beloved Koto lying dead on their bed. He had committed suicide by overdose. The kitty raced over to the body and tried to revive him in vain. When she gave up, she sank to her knees crying. She had just lost the boy she had come to love in two years. At his funeral, Pandora made a promise to herself. She vowed that she would free the women from this city's sick, repressing laws in the name of Koto. She had been fighting ever since.

    *Present Day*

    Looking at Naoko's face reminded her of Koto and her promise too much. And with that, Pandora decided to be nicer Rob, help him through the city, let him in on the mission, and who knows-- maybe fall in love with the guy. Who could say? She would have to see.