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Love Drunk

*Siren and Mike stand in the elevator*

*Siren shifted in place*

*Mike doesn't speak*

-Two Hours Earlier-

*Mike lays on the bed, looking at the ceiling*

*He could hear the water running in the background*

*Mike lifts his head*

*The water cuts off*

*He smirked to himself*

Mike: Heh.

*He gets up and walks over to the bathroom*

*He knocks on the door*

Siren: Go away!

*Mike snickers to himself*

Siren: What's so funny?

Mike: Nothing, dear.

Siren: Don't call me dear.

Mike: Okay, okay.

Siren: Are you done?

Mike: Yeah.

*He walks over to the bed and lays down*


*Mike glanced over his shoulder*

Mike: Come on, smile.

*Siren smiles and flips him off*

Mike: Aw, don't be like that.

Siren: You're an idiot.

*Mike turned around and put his hand on the glass*

*He smirked at her*

Mike: Am I now?

Siren: Yes.

Mike: Heh.

*He leans in and kisses her*

*She pushes him off*

Siren: Hey! Get off me!

*Mike shrugs*

Mike: Fair enough.

*He turns his back to her*

Mike: I will be tasting you later.

*He smirked to himself*
