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Set Adrift on Memory Bliss






I just stood still. She… just kissed… me… I felt my face turn red. It was clear now. Sakura-chan was in love with me. Katsuya would be pissed off now. All the more to carry out my mission.

Then a tender thought came to me. I was seeing Katsuya’s face when Sakura was AWOL. Serves the bastard right! He had something good and chose to abuse it. I laughed to myself at the thought.

Soon, I became serious. I t was too early to celebrate. Sakura-chan still needed me. The battle had just begun. I headed up the stairs to my room. Sakura-chan was lying asleep on my bed. It was tempting to make a move on her. But in doing that, I would be just like that asshole. So I just covered her with the thick blanket and sat on a chair nearby. I spent the whole afternoon watching Sakura-chan as she slept.

I waited as Sakura-chan awoke later that night. She saw me sitting in front of her. “Ohayoo.” I addressed her. “Did you sleep well?” Sakura-chan nodded. I smiled at her. “About that kiss earlier today,” I began. I saw her blush wildly. “I’m sorry to have done that and it won’t happen again! I…” she cried out. I lightly put my finger to her lips. “I didn’t mind it,” I told her in a low voice. “You are free to greet me like that as you want.” Sakura-chan’s eyes grew big. “Really?” she asked in disbelief. I nodded solemnly. “Uh, well…” my angel began again. “Can I kiss you now?” “Sure!” I exclaimed. Sakura-chan gave me a light kiss on the lips this time. I kissed back and lightly pushed her onto her back.

I ached to touch and taste her in anyway. I slid my hand into her dress and felt along her soft breasts. I would have moved further down if Sakura-chan hadn’t grabbed my wrist and broke off the kiss. I stared into her eyes. She looked like a scared and lost child. “I’m not ready for this!” she seemed to say. I then remembered about all of the rape and abuse Katsuya did to my angel.

I climbed off of Sakura-chan and lied beside her. “Gominasai Sakura-chan.” I murmured. “I’ll take things slow.” Sakura gave me a little smile. She cuddled close to me and fell asleep again. I smiled as I pulled the blanket over us. A man could get used to this.