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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Moon of Desire:

What is one to do when they cannot sleep on a hot summer night? Noiz figured out the answer. It came to her out of the blue. She lightly tapped Ron on his bare shoulder. The mouse slowly awoke. He looked and saw a goddess sitting before him on the bed dressed in a white short silk baby doll gown with black lace trim. One strap had slid off of her shoulder. The black cat ears and tail added to her charm and power. Rob gave her a little smile.

“Hey there,” he said to her. Noiz kissed him on the lips. The mouse kissed her back. Noiz slowly pulled away. She leaned in close to his ear.

“I can’t sleep,” she whispered to him. “Can you cure my insomnia tonight?” Rob loved the sound of that invitation. Anything to help a goddess in need. The mouse sat up some.

“Yeah,” he replied. “I’ll see what I can do.” The mouse turned and kissed her on the lips. Noiz smiled a bit.

“I want to tell you a little poem[1] I found earlier today,” she whispered to him.

“Okay,” Rob told her. “Go on.” Noiz slowly drew in deep breath.

“All right,” she replied. “A special dinner, that's what he set out to do. To show her how special she was, to show her his love was true.” Rob kissed her on the lips again and pushed her down to the bed. He began kissing on her neck. Noiz murmured at his touch, but forced herself to continue.

A candle light dinner, he made for them to eat. Looking deep into her eyes, their souls did meet.” Noiz recited aloud. The mouse kissed down to her chest tenderly. His hands came to the sides of her gown. He freely slid the lacy silk over the mistress’ head and threw it near her dresser. Noiz’s chest rose and fell as she began to breathe harder.

“After they ate dinner, to the couch they did retire. Curled up together with a movie, and the sweet glow of a fire.” Noiz said aloud in between rapid breathes. Rob stripped off his boxers and threw them near the window. He then grabbed at her panties and made them join his boxers. Noiz spread her legs for him right away.

“So relaxed and content, a feeling of heavenly bliss. On the back of her neck, he placed a sweet soft kiss,” she went on in drowsy playful lusty state. Desire had taken over her mind. Her words put her into a deep trance. Rob seemed to help her sink deeper in her own spell.

The mouse lightly began to rub at her waiting entry to warm her up some. Soft whimpers escaped from her kitty’s lips. She nearly couldn’t talk at all. But, the cat had to continue. So she pushed onwards.

“It sent a shiver down her spine, and she turned and held him tight. Whispering softly in his ear, make love to me all night,” Noiz forced out. Desire consumed her voice and mind in no time. Finishing would be an uphill battle now. But she had to keep on.

Rob felt the goddess getting wet to her inner thigh. He smiled to himself wickedly.

“Good,” the mouse replied. “You’re ready for my treatment!” Noiz nodded at him quickly and spoke again.

“He said I'll be right back, as he got up off the couch. Into his bedroom he went, then pulled out a pouch,” she murmured to him. Rob grabbed onto her small shoulders tightly and slid himself into her soaking wet garden. Noiz moaned out loud before going on again. She couldn’t quit yet. They had only started.

“He pulled out rose pedals, and laid them all over the bed. Hundreds of rose pedals, white, yellow, pink and red,” she forced out of her mouth. The heat built up right away. He pulled in and out of her painfully slow. Just enough to keep her talking. Noiz’s mind nearly couldn’t focus at all. But she forced herself to keep going.

“Around the room, candle after candle he did light. Making a soft glow in the room, that flicked in the night,” Noiz said as if trying to stay above the lusty waters around her. Too bad it didn’t last long. Rob saw to that himself.

He began to speed up right away. Then something strange began to happen. As the pace picked up, Noiz’s speech grew faster and faster. Trying to stay focused became next to impossible now. But, Noiz tried to anyway.

“He went to the couch, and took her by the hand. She glowed like the full moon, as she got off the couch to stand,” the kitty forced onwards. “He walked behind her down the hall, with his hands he covered her eyes. So she couldn’t see anything, especially the candle and rose pedal surprise.” Her speech rose higher and faster as Rob went even faster in his mistress. The mouse enjoyed hearing her speak while they made love. He began to wonder what it would take to cut her off in the poem. Only one way to see. Rob pumped even faster.

“When they got to the door, he let her see the surprise. It took away her breath, she just couldn’t believe her eyes,” Noiz went on struggling. “He took her by the hand, and softly kissed her lips. He pulled her close to him, and up her arm he ran his fingertips.” “Persistent tonight, isn’t she?” the mouse thought to himself excited. Then, a new idea challenge came into his head. Why not cut her off by making her come first? Tasty idea! The mouse decided to try it. He began to pump even harder and faster! Noiz cried out and went faster.

“The two made love all night, the two became one. Desire and passion so hot, as hot as a noon sun!” Noiz screamed out loud. “The sweat of their bodies, glistened in the candle light. Collapsing in each other’s arms, somewhere in the middle of the… OH ROBBIE-KUN!!!” The kitty finally broke when she came. The mouse came after her. Rob panted in happiness. He looked over at his mistress. She had already gone to sleep. Rob smiled at her in a tasty way. He lightly kissed her on the lips.

“Good night, you naughty little goddess, you!” he whispered to her. Then, the mouse went to sleep next to her for the rest of the night. Well what do you know? The treatment worked after!

[1] By, Jeff VerStraete