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    A violent cold ripped through her mind. It always blinded her.

    They won't shut up! They just keep on talking.

    Two hundred voices in her head, none of them hers. What did they want? Why did they talk to her? Why her?

    Go away!

    These voices did no such thing. In fact, they started to split and grow.

    Go away! Go away! Go away!

    She doesn't know where it started. When she was ten? Eight? Or perhaps younger? She couldn't really remember. Her family knew, but chose not to say. They didn't want to scare her even more. Too late for that now. She knows too much.

    It all is tangled up in jibber. Almost like the devil talking to her. Speaking of which, she took on his appearance years ago.

    Scratches all over her skin, hair in a tangled mess, drool coming down her chin, cloudy eyes. She looked so far gone. It's all strange. She used to be such a beautiful little girl. Years and the voices damaged her sanity and beauty.

    Little children feared her. The old people avoided her. The girl couldn't even recognize her own family anymore. Even then, her younger brother didn't give up on her. He brought her meals and a blanket every day in that shed. The only ones enjoying the food were the ants and flies. She didn't even move only except when the voices came back in her head.

    Today, started out no different.

    The boy walked over to her. "Sis, I found some people to help you." She still didn't speak. Kasumi and her team didn't even think she was looking at them. Ryuji blinked at them.

    "What's wrong with her?" he asked. The boy lowered his head.

    "She's possessed," he mumbled.

    "What?!?" the kids all asked.

Chapter Fifteen: My Sister's Mind