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My Summer Runaway



I’m sick of it! I’m sick of working day after day. I’m sick of my students! I’m sick of Tokyo! I’m sick of the city! I’m sick of my sister nagging me all of the time. I’m sick of seeing the same faces over and over again. I can’t stand it anymore. Grrr! It’s all driving me insane! I don’t know what it is with me lately. I’m just caught in a rut lately. Nothing is really fun anymore. It’s always the same thing around here. I don’t know what to do at the moment. *Sighs* I don’t know. I need to get away! But where can I go? Where can I go to get away from it all? I took a while to plan this all out while I took my break from my Japanese II class. So far, I had nothing.

Then, an idea hit me right away. I was lying out on the balcony on a lounge chair in the hot summer when I had the epiphany. What if I just get away to just… anywhere? My brilliant plan began to form right away. I decided to rent a boat, packing a lunch, packing up my luggage, and heading out. Simple as that. I carried it all out like so. After work, I went by the boat place and rented a boat for the summer. I then plotted what I wanted take with for the summer. I went over my list many times in my head. Everything worked out just find in my advantage so far. Well, sort of…

But yet, I have a course kinks to work out first. First up, I have Andi. Then, there is my job. Finally, there are my friends. I took my time to figure it all out. I left my girlfriend a note on her laptop computer. Our summer break starts in three days. My friends will be busy with their summer break and won’t notice me at all. It all works out just fine.

I quickly packed up my stuff. I turned on Andi’s computer and logged in. I changed her screensaver from her picture slide show of her, Noiz, and me (she still loves that hot catgirl! *Wink*) to a message screen saver. I typed out, “Left all alone for the summer. I’ll be back soon.” I smiled at my message. “That should be good!” I thought. I left the computer for Andi to see. I looked over at my love as she slept in our bed. She looks like an angel sleeping. I smiled at her sweetly. I leaned down and lightly kissed her on the cheek. I moved some of her hair and leaned down to her ear.

“I’ll be back after break,” I whispered to her softly. She turned over smiling in her sleep. I smiled at her again and headed out the door. I quietly walked all the way out into the city. And here began my long summer journey out to sea.