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Night Lessons

Chapter One: Night Class in Session:

Tokyo Community High School-College. School of fine minds. Mosh was starting classes here to catch up on a few messed credits in high school. (Long story, we’ll get into that later.) He felt nervous. The mouse boy would be among mostly college freshmen and sophomores. That meant older kids with more experience in the world. Mosh seemed like a tiny kid compared to them. The boy was still a virgin and the closest that he had ever gotten with a girl was a tongue kiss and the hand up her shirt. Since then, Mosh didn’t really have much to go on.

 He took in a few shallow breathes as he walked into the building. This place looked so new. The city built it last year. After a few steps, Mosh began to relax and feel confident. “Not so bad,” he thought. “I can do this for the rest of the spring! Easy as hell!” He came to room 219. Here it was. The short story studies class he needed to make up for in order to graduate. The mouse stretched his neck some to help him relax. “Okay,” he thought. “Let’s do this!” Mosh pushed open the door and walked inside. The teacher and the other eight students looked up at the sound. Mosh looked around at his new class.

“Hi… everyone…” he said in a tiny voice. The teacher gave him a stern look.

“You’re late!” she said. Mosh felt himself shrinking into the floor.

“I’m so sorry, sensei!” he blurted out as he kept bowing over and over again. The sensei gave him a sharper look.

“Never mind that!” she remarked. “Just sit down. I will talk to you after class.” Mosh looked down at his feet as he swallowed hard. “Oh shit!” the mouse thought. “Classes haven’t even started and I’m already in trouble!

“Yes sensei,” he mumbled. Then, the mouse took his seat in the middle of the classroom.

“Anyway,” the teacher went on. “I am Noizchild and I will be your Short Story Studies sensei for the spring night semester.” Mosh couldn’t focus for the rest of class. Not only because of the worry of is mistake, but this teacher looked rather attractive. Dark-skinned kitty girl with a healthy figure in her satin white blouse and short dark blue skirt. Yes, that was read correctly. Noiz was a cat! The black cat ears and tail gave it all away. Mosh almost felt sheepish about falling into lust with a cat. The mouse couldn’t keep his eyes off of her black fishnet stockings. He tried to push out dirty thoughts from his head so that he could focus on the introduction ahead of him. “No, she’s not like that!” Mosh screamed in his head. “Noiz is your teacher! Quit seeing her like that!” The mouse stared at her with a freshly confused, lustful mind. Even her lips looked so tasty right about now. Noiz clapped her hands together.

“Okay,” she spoke up. “Any questions?” Not a single soul spoke a word. The kitty sat down at her desk.

“Alright,” she said. “You all can go now. Oh, please sure to check your e-mails sometime together and post on the forum.” Mosh snapped out of it and looked around, confused. “Huh?” he thought. “Class is over already?

“Goodbye!” all of the students said as they stood up and bowed. Noiz bowed back at them.

“I will see you tomorrow,” she said. The students quietly walked away. Mosh tried to disappear into the small crowd. The cat loudly cleared her thought. The mouse froze up right in his tracks. He slowly turned around. Noiz looked at him with stern look painted on her face.

“You were late for my class,” she spoke up. Mosh bowed his head again in shame.

“I am so sorry, sensei,” he whimpered. Noiz shook her head at him.

“This is not acceptable,” she said as she turned to him in her chair. “Disciplinary accident must be taken.” Mosh’s eyes grew wide.

“W-What do you want me to do to make up for it?” he stammered out. The kitty teacher gave him a wicked little smile.

“Take off your clothes!” she commanded in a surprising sexy tone.