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Give Me Novacaine





I disappeared down to Red Light Alley. This alley was well hidden from the rest of village. This was where I could unwind and think straighter. Sakura-chan didn’t like when I disappeared here for hours at a time. If I did come to Red Light Alley, one or both of us would have been dead by now. This was my paradise. Ren and black lanterns swung from ahead. Old men sat outside the bars gambling. Girls of different ages were standing outside of the old houses waiting for new one-day husbands to service. Some I liked and others I didn’t pay any attention to. They all knew who I was too well. I knew the girls here too well to. A couple of them almost cost my relationship with Sakura-chan. One girl winked at me and I blew a kiss back to her. Erotic perfumes filled the air. I felt dizzy with their lusty scent already. Why couldn’t Sakura-chan smell like these perfumes every time I walk home? Things would by much easier for us both in the bedroom.

I made it to the Tea House. The Tea House was a whorehouse. Twenty-eight girls lived here. Out of all of the houses in this alley, The Tea House was my favorite house. It was like a naughty version of the Floating World. The owner sat out on the porch drinking green tea. She was dressed in a long red silk kimono with a gold obi. Her short sandy-colored hair was neatly pinned back. Her face would be perfect without the soft wrinkles on it. She was a naughty old lady who hit on young fellas like me. I took Naruto down here two years ago. The owner hit on him and he left instantly. She didn’t understand why because guys usually laugh at her flirtation. I couldn’t ask the question either. “Hey there, sunny!” the owner called out to me. I grinned. “Hey doll.” I said back. “Still with that girlfriend of yours?” she asked. I nodded bitterly. Keiko, the owner, knew about my hang-ups with Sakura-chan. She thinks I should leave her. Keiko saw the sour look on my face. She knew I didn’t like talking about Sakura-chan or our fights here. “Ocha’s waiting for you upstairs.” she said somberly. “Great.” I replied as I tried to sound happy. Then, I headed inside.

Ocha was waiting for me in our room. She was sitting on the bed dressed in a short silk dark green kimono and a silk black obi. Her front was open and revealing her lacy black bra. Her tan silk pantyhose covered her soft slender legs. She didn’t have her make-up on yet but it didn’t matter. The mere sight of her aroused me. Ocha was everything Sakura-chan wasn’t. She had bigger breasts, thicker lips, tighter ass, dangerous curves, and risky in bed. She was my favorite hooker in the Tea House. Why couldn’t Sakura-chan be more like Ocha? Our relationship would be perfect.

“You’re here.” she greeted. Then she rose to her feet and embraced me tightly. “Yeah.” I said gloomily. I breathed in her sensual perfume. Usually, that would cheer me up. But it wasn’t working today. Ocha could sense it. “What’s wrong Panda bear?” she asked seductively. “That Sakura girl making you blue?” I nodded. “Aw,” Ocha cooed. “Come to bed with me and we’ll talk about it while I freshen up.” “All right.” I said pitifully. “Good.” she said.

I sat on the black and white silk-sheeted bed and Ocha sat at her oak vanity desk. I sighed heavily. “Sakura-chan and I got into another fight this morning.” I began. “Did you try to apologize like I took you?” Ocha asked as she put on her lip paint gracefully like an artist. “Yes,” I answered. “Yes what?” she cut in sharply. “Yes mistress.” I replied. Our relationship was a sadomasochist one. She was the sadist and I was the masochist. I tried to get Sakura-chan into S&M to make things in bed exciting but she backed out on me. “It didn’t work this time. She didn’t believe me. I grabbed her violently and yelled at her again. I freighted her and felt bad for it. So, I came here.” I confessed. “I don’t understand it.” Ocha said as took out the gold hairpins in her hair and let it fall to her back. I looked up confused by her statement. “Understand what?” I asked. “Why do you stay with her?” my love slave asked as she began brushing her long black hair. “Leave her and come spend more time with us. She just holds back a manly man like you. The other girls and I miss you.” I sighed again. “As much as I wish I could,” I spoke up. “I just can’t leave her…” “Because you love her.” Ocha said as she put blush on her soft cheeks. “Yeah” I answered.

Ocha always got me. Why couldn’t Sakura-chan be just like her? Ocha understood me perfectly and she always met my sexual needs. Sakura-chan used to satisfy me in bed but the only time we sleep together is when I’m drunk and she’s half-asleep. “Sakura-chan’s not like you,” I went on. “You understand me and you do things in bed she never dreams of doing. Sometimes I wish Sakura-chan was just like you.” Ocha finished freshening up and came over to me. I stared deep into her deep bluish-grey eyes. She was clearly ready for some action. Her thick red lips were teasing mine for a hot passionate kiss. “That is why girls like me exist,” Ocha said like a temptress. “We provide an escape for men trapped in their miserable lives. Without us, suicide rates would be even higher than they already are. Do you follow me?” I nodded as if I was under a trance. My love mistress smiled like Satan. “Good,” she hissed. “Now, what would my dirty boy like today?” I swallowed hard. “Control and own me!” I said bravely. Ocha smiled deepened. She lightly pushed me onto my back and climbed on top. She lightly and slowly slid off my shirt. My body grew tense with delight. Ocha leaned in close to my ear. “Wise decision.” she whispered. Then she lightly licked my ear. That finally broke me. I couldn’t hold my sanity anymore. I needed more. I had to have more. Ocha grinned at the effect she had on me and she continued her work. This was my novocain in life.