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    Haruko let her mind wander back to her past as she watched her younger brother sleep.


    Ryuji-chan and I had always had it so tough. I remember when he was first born. Mom and Dad spent the whole night in the hospital. I stayed in the children's section coloring. The nurses gave me plenty of treats and attention. By morning, my dad came by to see me.

    "Daddy!" I cheered.

    "Hey baby," he said. "You have a new little brother."

    "I do?" I asked. My father nodded at me.

    "Would you like to see him now?" he asked.

    "Okay," I said. That's how I met Ryuji-kun. Nine pounds and six ounces and really loud. Oh, he was loud. He nearly broke my ear drums once. But, Ryuji-kun was kind of cute as a baby. I was proud of him growing up. He practically followed me everywhere I went. I saw him as my little doll growing up. He, my parents, and I all formed a nice little family unit. Those were the happiest days of my life.


    "What's on your mind?" someone asked her. Haruko quickly looked up in a second.

    "Hm?" she asked. Kasumi looked on at her.

    "Are you okay?" she asked. "What's on your mind?" Haruko blinked at her.

    "Yeah, I'm fine," she said.

    "You seemed lost in thought there."

    Haruko shrugged. "I guess I was."

    Neither woman spoke at first. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

    The other girl shook her head. "No, it's okay. I was thinking about Ryuji and our parents."


    "We were so happy. Our parents spoiled us with love. Ryuji-kun was like my doll when he was a baby. You could say that we were like the picture perfect family."

    "So what happened?"

    Haruko felt herself getting sad again. "Our parents died in the big storm when I was thirteen years old. They were trying save the babies in the nursery of the shelter. The village wanted us to go into foster care. But that would mean separating us in the long run."

    She took in a heavy breath. "I refused to do it. I vowed that I would raise my little brother by myself."

    "At age thirteen?"


    Kasumi looked at her with big eyes. "Wow. You were so young."

    "I don't need your sympathy. We've been doing fine for six years now. We can do well by ourselves!"

    "I see."

    Haruko breathed out as she tried to calm down. "Sorry about that."

    Kasumi smiled as she patted her on the shoulder. "I understand."

    "What about you?" Haruko asked. The older woman looked at her.

    "Hm?" she asked.

    "What about you?" the younger girl asked. "Do you have someone you really care for?" Kasumi lowered her head and looked away.

    "Uh... well..." she mumbled. She began to feel the pain well up in her heart once again.

Chapter Twelve: Older Sister