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Chapter Forty-Nine: On the Edge:

Along came Valentine’s Day. Noiz had a little treat for her pet mouse. She worked everything out to the finest detail. Only thing missing tonight was the mouse himself. Noiz waited in excitement in Aiko Suite. Tonight was going to spicy.

That evening, Rob came in from school. When he stepped through the front door and took off his shoes, the mouse looked and noticed a white rose petal. Rob watched on curious. A smirk came onto his face. “What a surprise!” he thought. He sensed a sultry gift tonight. Time to see!

The mouse followed the trail all the way up the stairs straight to Aiko Suite. Rob breathed heavily at the sensual sliding door. His heart raced excited. “Here goes!” he thought. The mouse drew open the door.

Aiko Suite looked ready for love tonight. Candles lit all over the floor. Lotus and rose petals created a sultry carpet. Soft koto music played in the background. Rob looked around amazed. “Damn!” he thought. “She went all out tonight! I like it!

“Hey there, Mr. Sexy Buns!” a charming voice greeted him. Rob froze up blushing as he looked up. His mistress sat on the bed waiting for him. Boy, the temptress was here tonight! Noiz was dressed in a silk pink corset baby doll laced up at her breasts. Her long legs were on display on their bed. She licked her lips at him.

“Well hello schoolboy,” Noiz greeted him. “How my I pleasure you tonight?” Her mouse couldn’t speak at first. His lips moved, but no words came out.

“Uh… uh…” he stammered out. Noiz sat up giggling.

“Relax!” she said. “It’s not hard. Do you want me to pleasure you tonight?” Rob nodded quickly.

“Y-Yes!” he yelped. Noiz smiled at him wickedly.

“Good boy!” she said. The kitty kissed him on the lips. Her pet relaxed and kissed back. Noiz lightly took him into her arms. She pulled the mouse to their bed. The temptress pushed him down on the sheets. She broke off the kiss and sat up smiling. Rob watched on excited.

“Feel better?” Noiz asked. Rob nodded quickly.

“Good,” his mistress said. “Now, how my I pleasure you tonight?” The mouse began breathing hard.

“Any way you want, mistress!” he said, breathless. Noiz smiled at him wickedly.

“Your wish is my command!” she said. The kitty gave him a light kiss on the lips. She gracefully sat up. She decided to strip for him first. Noiz slowly pulled the silky pink string ribbon at her chest. The corset part popped right open. Rob looked on intently. His pet smiled at him wickedly. She played with the skirt of her gown a little bit at first. Rob watched her mesmerized. Noiz slowly rolled her gown off of her curvy body in a sultry and sexy way. Rob breathed heavily. Noiz winked at him. She only had on her panties. The kitty smirked at him.

“Like what you see?” she questioned in a tasty way. Rob nodded excited. Noiz smiled at him wickedly.

“Good boy!” she said. The kitty began playing with her white silk panties with little black bows. Rob watched on intently. Noiz looked over at him.

“You want this, don’t you?” she asked. The mouse nodded quickly. Noiz pretended to think about that for a moment. Rob waited on, excited. His kitty smiled at him wickedly.

“Okay,” she said. Noiz slowly slipped off her panties and threw them to the floor. Rob watched on excited. The cat smiled at him wickedly. Now to really work him up. Noiz leaned down and kissed him on the lips. Rob kissed her back. The heat shot up once again. The temptress slipped her tongue into his mouth. Rob moaned and gave her his own tongue as well. Noiz smirked to herself. Good, she had him in now. Next to turn it up.

Her hands moved to his shirt and slowly removed it. The mouse trembled at her touch. Plus, she did it all slowly. Oh, she’s evil tonight. Noiz threw his shirt to the floor. The kisses grew faster and faster. The kitty’s hands moved down to his waist. Her mouse trembled the whole time. “Oh wow!” he thought. “Her hands feel so good!

Noiz finally reached his jeans. She undid them painfully slow. Rob moaned loudly in her mouth. His mistress smirked at her work. She began to roll his jeans off painfully slow. The mouse arched his back some. Noiz forced him down a bit. Too much movement was distracting. She had to have him still. It worked better that way.

The cat slid off his jeans and threw them to the floor. The only thing left was his boxers. Noiz looked at him some. Her mouse waited in excitement with his eyes shut, kissing her. She already felt his hard and throbbing rod against her inner thigh through his boxers. He wanted her so badly. She could tell. But, should the kitty give it to him now or tease him more? Such a tough call…

Noiz slowly shut her eyes with her decision. Her hands lightly tread down to her mouse’s boxers. She grabbed on tightly. Noiz slowly rolled them off of him. Rob moaned loudly again in her mouth. She quickly yanked off his boxers. They joined the rest of the clothes on the floor. Now for the real action.

Noiz moved down to Rob’s neck. Her lover moaned aloud.

“Oh yes!” he whimpered. “More! More!” The kitty happily complied. She kissed on his neck even more. She even began nibbling and sucking on the skin. Rob moaned out even louder. He stroked on the kitty’s back excited. That pushed her to move down further.

She let go and moved down to his chest. Noiz left massive hickeys on Rob’s neck. She kissed, licked, and nibbled on his chest tenderly. The mouse moaned out louder. Noiz glanced up for a second. Rob looked so vulnerable under her. It was beautiful. Made her hungry for even more. So, she helped herself to more right away. Noiz sped up on his chest in heated bliss. Rob felt himself get achingly harder now. Noiz smiled to herself wickedly. Her nibbled became deeper.

“OH!!!” Rob moaned out. “You’re so good at this!” His kitty deepened her nibbles even more and sped up her mouth. Rob cried out in higher bliss. Soon, the kitty wanted more.

She slowly moved down to her pet’s abdomen. She did the same as she did with his chest. The mouse reached down and played with his mistress’ hair. Noiz nibbled even faster as a result. She could feel his member against her breasts. He was aching so badly for her. As she worked him up, a question crossed her mind. Should she tease him more of give it to him now? After a few seconds, the kitty made her decision.

Noiz moved down to her final destination and slowly took his member into her mouth. She began sucking on him slowly. Rob groaned aloud.

“Oh yes, Noiz-sama!” he moaned. “More, more, more!!!” The kitty happily complied. She began sucked harder and faster. The mouse cried out louder.

“Oh wow!” he yelped. “You’re so good, mistress! Keep going!” The cat complied beautifully. She even began nibbling and licking as well. Rob trembled and moaned in delight. He shut his eyes tightly. The waves of pleasure rolled on without stopping. They kept rising faster and higher. Noiz kept sucking more and more.

Rob was about to come when his mistress slowly let go of him. Rob quickly opened his eyes and whimpered.

“W-Why did you stop?” he pleaded. Noiz gently pit her finger to his lips.

“Shhh!” she whispered. “I’m not done!” The mouse slowly went quiet. Noiz smiled at him wickedly. She sat up and took his hard member in her hand. The mouse waited intently. Noiz carefully guided him into her. Both moaned at the sensation. The kitty leaned down and kissed Rob on the lips. He kissed her back. Noiz slowly pulled away and got to work.

She gracefully started off slow. Rob moaned aloud again. He whimpered as well.

“Oh Noiz-sama!!!” he murmured. His kitty kept on with her slow pace. But soon what wasn’t enough.

“Harder!” Rob cried. “Please mistress, harder! I’m begging you!” Noiz smirked at such a request. He looked so vulnerable under her. Aw, how could she even think to deny him? Noiz decided to give him what he wanted. The kitty slowly sped up. Her pet moaned out louder.

“Oh yes!” he wailed. “More, more! OH!!!” Noiz sped up even more at his request. Rob reached up and fondled her breasts. That drover the kitty to pump faster and harder. The mouse grabbed her chest tightly. Noiz yelped aloud in pain and pleasure. She sped up even more because of it. Rob cried out even more because of it.

“Oh yes, Noiz-sama!” he cried. “You’re so good!!! More, mistress!!!” The cat pumped on harder and faster. Rob squeezed her chest tighter. Both cried out happily. The heat rose on still. It was as if the lovers were on a cloud. Oh such an experience. They didn’t want it to end.

The ride ended when Rob came at full blast in his girl.

“NOIZ-SAMA!!!” he yelled out. The kitty screamed as she came herself. She shut her eyes tight as she did so. She collapsed on him, panting happily. The mouse was catching his breath as well. Noiz slowly opened her eyes and looked up. A warm smile came onto her face.

“How was your gift?” she asked. Rob patted her on the head.

“I love it as much as you!” he announced. Noiz giggled a bit. She gave him a little kiss on the chest.

“I’m glad you loved it!” she whispered loudly.

“Mmm…” the mouse murmured. The lovers fell asleep right in each other’s arms.