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Chapter Sixteen: Packing Heat:

Hot water. Mosh looked all around him. A hot springs?, he thought. He turned his attention forwards. Noiz’s smiling face sat inches from his.

“Hey,” she said.

“Noiz-sama, why are we--?” Mosh began to ask. She gently put a finger to his lips.

“Just enjoy,” she whispered. The cat kissed her pet on the lips. Mosh went quiet from there.

Okay…, he thought. Noiz leaned into his ear.

“Hope you’re still excited,” she whispered. “Because I’m hungry.” Mosh’s heart skipped a beat. Noiz smiled to herself. Good boy, she thought. The cat positioned herself on top of him. She kissed him again on the lips. Mosh kissed back. She grabbed onto his young body with her claws. Her husband gasped at the feeling.

Oh God!, he thought. What’s she plotting now? Noiz smirked to herself and slipped her tongue inside.

So yummy!, she thought. Her excited drove her to start pumping on him. Her husband moaned in her mouth. Nice and easy at first. That’s how it works. Get him relaxed first and then give it to him. Noiz kept on with her slow pace. Her nails scraped down his spine.

Five. Four. Three. Two.

Noiz moved her mouth down to his neck. Mosh softly moaned.

“Ph yes,” he whispered. “Shit! Yes, yeah!” His wife smirked to herself.

Perfect, she thought. The kitty parted her lips and bit down on his neck. Mosh hollowed out in pain and pleasure.

“Oh!!!” he yelled. “Noiz-sama, w-what are… oh wow!” The kitty smiled and drank up as she pumped faster. Mosh threw back his head and moaned out. His grasp around her tightened. She gasped and sped up at both ends. The taste of his blood made her head spin. This has to be a dream, she thought. He tastes too good! The drinking went into double time.

Mosh shut his eyes and took it all in.

“Yes mistress!” he moaned. “Yes! Yes!” Noiz sped up below as well.

Noiz deepened her bite halfway through the session. Her husband began to feel light-headed.

She’s draining me, he thought. But… But… Something else caught his mind.

“Oh God,” he whispered. “I can’t… I can’t hold it!” Noiz went as fast as she could at both ends. She wanted to get it all in to the last drop. Mine, the kitty thought. Mine! Mosh-kun, you are all mine!

Her pet came within her in the water. He gasped and collapsed from pleasure and exhaustion. Noiz let go of his neck and swallowed the last share of his blood. A grin crossed her lips.

“Yum!” she said aloud. The cat licked her lips and patted the bunny on his head.

“You did good,” she said. Noiz took him into her arms and teleported back to their room.